the cabin boy

He has some great stories about the grueling shit storm that was the Heaven's Gate shoot. (Check out the Green Cine podcast.) Too bad it wasn't touched upon here.

The real problem was how miserably Fox failed at promoting the show. There are still people that think this is a show about fashion models.

I'm hoping that Q-Tip book features the story about that time the MCs were all in his face and he, in turn, was like mace.

First season was good, second season was ok — the show has nosedived into unwatchableness the past couple of seasons. I'm hoping Deb died in the last episode but I'm guessing she didn't. If she did, and they got rid of the horribly useless narration and boring ass hell peripheral characters, I could get back to

I don't get it. I suppose I could actually try to watch one of these movies Butler is in, but for all his machismo I can't find any charm whatsoever so I'd rather not. He actually appears charisma deficient. Smug, kind of sleazy, yes — and those qualities can be put to good use — but he's no leading man.

Living in New England, there's no escaping driving in shitty conditions but I'd say peak 2009 road-trip season has officially passed.

Start with Bee Thousand - then Alien Lanes - then on to Isolation Drills.

I actually sat through Snow Day this weekend.

I Love Movies
Sometimes I have to pause the I Love Movies podcast to keep from looking like an insane person on the bus/subway as I get red faced while struggling not to laugh out loud.

A Serious Man - Fink connection
I also came away from A Serious Man thinking about Barton Fink but mostly due to the structural and story connections. Both are about a put-upon man, struggling to hold on and searching for answers from the pillars of his community but receiving nothing in return. Both end with a sense

Guy Davis
The Marquis: Inferno? Not sure how this one passed me by — Guy Davis is one of the few artists that has me picking up anything he's even loosely associated with. Color me jazzed.

It takes a special kind of movie to anger up my blood the way Napoleon Dynamite does. There was a sneaky little trend in movies 5 or so years ago that amounted to solving life's problems through a nerd's funny dance. The other main offender was Little Miss Sunshine. That movie skated by on some Arkin charm but

Somehow Rambo managed to make a constant barrage of exploding heads and flying limbs the opposite of entertaining. Yeah, untertaining. That movie took itself way too seriously. No fun.

Nytimes is saying the purchase has a bunch of deals that leave the x-men with fox, spidey with sony and iron man with paramount until those contracts expire. So news isn't as good for the x-men as I'd thought. Oh, and while X-3 wasn't the explosive diarrhea that Wolverine was, it was still shit. And X-2 was gold,

I think this bodes well for the X-Men movies. No studio can fuck those up worse than Fox already has.

Bonnie Prince Billy
At Break of Day would be my one addition…
You called me up just to surprise me
To hear my voice, see what i had to say
I only whispered then hung up
I whispered, "wait till break of day."
At the break of day im ending all of it
And so dont say youve had a ball
I hate myself when im alone
Its just with you

I'll back up A BIG JERK. Polvo and especially Lazy Comet off of Today's Active Lifestyles could be the most amazing thing you'll listen to today if you've never heard them before.

And here I've been spelling it "yummo" all these years when it's actually "yum-o". Oh, the shame…

That's better
Looks a lot less like Delgo than Avatar.

I wasn't aware "sharp eye and keen visual sense" = action set pieces that looked like they were staged by John Woo's myopic, ritalin addled, teenage brother. That movie might as well have been shot with 7-11 security cameras. It's like Kevin Smith was behind those sequences. Everything Shoot 'Em Up tried and failed