the cabin boy

Yes. Ron is on this show. Ron is consistently hilarious. I want more Ron.

Thanks again for the work on this — great stuff.

ditto in regards to Grant Morrison. Anyone know if that 2004 Seaguy was collected in a trade?

I shit you not, Quentin Tarantino is scheduled to help coach the contestants on "movie songs" next week. Awesome. All right?

It is 2009 but Doubt wasn't made or released this year.

I think Friedman was planning on pulling the ol' Costanza trick and just continue to show up to work every morning — "Fired? What? Come on, no one was taking that seriously!"

My buzz has been thuroughly killed on this overcast Monday morning. The only cure would be the director's cut of that awesome interview.

Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman is pretty good.

You are correct. They were on Netflix Instant Watch It Now Exciteabike Town for a while and I watched them that way too… and I was kinda let down.

Boot Party!

In completely unrelated thoughts - the Larry the Cable Guy Roast ad makes me think two things: One - Larry is a hell spawn, which could be true. Or Two - Larry will actually get consumed by fire on Sunday March 15th, which could be good for society. But then again he seems happy, like he's fire resistant which

I'd like to see Rice do some more acting. He was really good in Mutual Appreciation and that online poker commercial.

I'd like to know more about how Netflix WI gets the movies it does. When they struck that deal with Starz they definietly got a lot better for people looking for more recent crap like Spidey 3 but they're actually adding new movies at a pretty good pace. For instance a large chunk of Herzog, Fassbinder and Sam

Wendy & Lucy is probably a better choice than Withnail & I (as much as I love love goddamn love that movie). I was suprised a bit by the lack of any Mike Leigh love up in here tho.

Totally called the Jesus Liazrd a couple weeks ago in previous pitchfork fest newswire! I also second the Future of the Left — but moreso the Mclusky that came before it.

Phel is funny.

I think you may have this Harry fellow confused with Ben Lyons.

It's great that I can queue up a remake of a movie and not the original that came out only a couple years before it. Where's the [rec] dvd?

Wow, I'm impressed. He manages to be funny and give sound advice. Usually one is neglected in favor of the other. My favorite might be: Don't forget to put her down (charmingly) and act indifferent so that she falls for you! Also, his suggestions on where to meet girls with manageable problems in the Boston area

This interview lived up to the twitter hype. Good job, avc.