the cabin boy

I'm with ya, man. Young Liars is one that I eagerly await each issue — even though it's one of the books my comic shop always forgets to pull for me (still missing issue 6 wtf). Completely unpredictable great stuff.

Sad news. I'm hoping he opts for screenwriting instead of muckraking.

Take a tip from dearly departed Spaulding Gray and switch up from time to time. It's like your cheating with another lover. A spastic clumsy other lover. But I'm not Russian, or Spaulding Gray, so what do I know?

Good question. Pot and Anal is right up there with Vicodin and a hand job. But I'm not Russian, so what the hell do I know?

Dark Night and Wall-E are so infinitely better than Benjamin Button. And how Button got a nod for best adapted screenplay is beyond me. The only thing adapted was the name of the story.

I'm kind of surprised by Jackson's handlers not coming to an agreement on this one as well. It's not like he's on an up-swing career-wise. His stock has plummeted and is in dire need of an IM2 type picture.

Crowd Pleaser
It proved to elicit scattered cheers during the courtroom scenes when I saw. Not a bad movie at all. I like this Kinear guy, especially when he plays guys that are a little off underneath the straightlaced facade.

If you were Tom Green's balls would you have only commented once?

i'VE NEVER BEEN ABLE TO WRAP MY HEAD AROUND (ahem - sorry) why Netflix (or IMDB these days like they used to) can't feature this simple function. I'm starting to think it's like albums these days — they want to sneak them out into the market with no warning.

700 pages
I'm excited about his one. The "never fully justifies the 700 pages" is what concerns me but I'll definitely be picking this up when it gets to paperback. I'm reading his Kenzie-Gennaro series right now which is fun stuff, as was Shutter Island. I'm sure 700 pages from Lehane will fly by — there's just

Flickerstick! Zing!

Slightly better than Heroes — isn't saying much, I know…
It's like saying a crap sundae is better than a crap sandwich. Really wish this could be a Gossip Girl blog, this show is off my DVR schedule after this episode. Gossip Girl is so much more entertaining that it makes TSCC look like a joyless slog in

band on the run
What was the name of that group on VH1's Band On the Run show. Not the goth rockin' chick band — the other one…

Kevin Smith = Eli Roth??? WTF? Say what you will about Roth, at least his movies are cinematic. Kevin Smith might as well film his movies with surveillance cameras since the difference is negligible. Eli puts much more thought into his movies than people give credit for. More than Smith anyway who's biggest

speaking of fiercely depressing lyricism being saved by great upbeat pop music
Quasi - Featuring Birds

Sanders Season Sets
Not sure if this has already been mentioned here but I've been told the reason you're not seeing any Larry Sanders Season sets is the same reason it took 30 years to get a season set of SNL: the music rights for the live performances. Thankfully Full House didn't have this problem.