two slices of toast

what about kottke?
anybody? no? ok.

he looks like a teddy boy in that picture, what with the sideburns and the quiff. Ready to break a deckchair over the head of a mod and/or punk

don't know about america but its pops into and out of the charts over here all the time as a result of its regular use in ads.

ohh, and Layla by Eric Clapton

what about…
… "drinking in LA" by Bran Van 3000. Also, "The Passenger" by Iggy Pop.


hear you on the ABC warriors. Black Hole Mission is an incredible book, visually.

And Zenith, if only it was still in print. Sigh.

too bad, sounds like you were in there.

same thing happened to O'Bama

how did her weight gain manisfest itself? had she become visible to the naked eye?

"The Notable Hotties" sound like a really highbrow Pussycat Dolls-style girl band. Check out the gams on that one!

"As you probably recall, Spurlock ate nothing but McDonalds food for 30 days in an effort to record the effects on his body."

but can jesus outrun the flash?

"hipster fucknuts hanging out talking bullshit and getting up to bugger-all else" sounds to me like description of the av club comment boards actually.

Aaaaah, that'll be it. I could just have looked him up on IMBD, couldn't I? Sorry for the chaos.

@ captain tightpants: honest to christ i'm not. I'm vaugely aware of him from peripheral roles in various things, I had no idea he was so beloved & I'm still not entirely sure but hey! good for him.

*affairs, yes, I know

so, wait a minute… internal affair knew he had the diamonds all along?