two slices of toast

Is it really worse than the gambler called Jack Pozzi (nickname: Jackpot) in Paul Auster's The Music of Chance? More like The Music of Pants. Zing! That's called wordplay, Auster! Also shit: character in Pattern Recognition by William Gibson called Hubertus Bigend. terrible.

cook pass babtridge

cock piss partridge

fighting fantasy gamebooks
that is all

"The Rode"?

i don't listen to his show but i did see him driving past my office in the ifsc yesterday.

fresh air
did you hear him on fresh air trying to chat up Terry Gross? Jesus, so embarrassing. We've all thought about it but she's waaaay out of your league dude

uregistered migrant, you have a face for radio

he's dressed kind of like rihanna, somehwat ironically

oh, mercy

+1 for blue velvet. nightmares for weeks

the "oh yeah? well let's hear some of your lyrics, asshole" argument makes no sense anyway. I mean you're right, of course, he raps better than a person who can't rap at all. That's not setting the bar too high though.

my favourite thing about spidey 3
was anthony lane's description of peter parker gone all emo: "He looks like the bronze medalist in a teen-age Hitler-impersonation contest."

won't somebody please have a reasonable discussionwith me? PLEASE?

Fill Her Up and Thousand Years… are either or both of those about tantric sex?

the "lookalikes" look-a-like they were rounded up at knifepoint and herded there from the bus station

saw it on saturday. very funny, but with bordering-on-naked-gun levels of silliness.

it's an english conspriracy! everyone's agin the micks

i'm a one track lover