two slices of toast

what's with the Tudyk love anyway, what was he in that caused that reaction? I, robot, and episode of CSI… I must be missing something.

well now that depends. a lot of men do that rythymless, p diddy style, embarassment minimisation dance where you hunch over, shuffle your feet and move your elbows a bit (often while biting your lower lip to show that you're feeling the groove so muchit hurts). you don't break a sweat with that shit.

fantastic interview, if it doesn't get 700/ 800 comments at least then it's a cruel world. Bissette comes across as a weird mixture of child-like and world-weary. He ended up working in a video store, which is sad, but that's the way the world is. Dude just wanted to draw his dinosaurs.

re angry english people: what rimage said.

Matt you rapist! been tickling tonsils, mate.

Oi, av club
Isn't it about time for that Chris Morris primer/ interview/ article? people need to be introduced to his work.

i'm gonna say you look more like morose 80's synthmiester Gary Numan. In a polo-neck.

the dirt
hammer of the gods
have gun will travel
England's dreaming (if you're feeling brave)

finally we've moved off the boring topic of showbiz exploitation and strated discussing tax rates in 1960's britain. At last!

I hope megan fox's inevitable biography is called "soulless eyes and sexy everything else"

y'know who I miss? gLUt.

i heard it was called Sven Svensson and mystery of the log cabin vampire but they had to change it because it was too swedish.

I'll say one thing for a remake - at least an american version will have the budget to do those CGI cats properly. Goodness, but they were rubbish in the original.

y'know what, I bet it'll be great.

just wanted to ram this odd, pointless, convoluted fact into the conversation - in the British equivalent of All in The Family, the layabout son-in-law was played by Tony Blair's father in law. Fact! not interesting, but still, fact!

badly drawn boy (if he's still around). never shuts up about brucie. not that it comes through in his actual music of course…

nice avatar, chuck. I'm alwys surprised there are other irish people on here.

will it be re-reviewed? I find it impossible to tell from that reveiw what grade it would have received. I'm going to say a solid B.

I would have thought the person showing your 5th grade class around the smithsonian would, if anything, have been impressed at their cultural knowledge. Who know's who John Dilliger is at that age?

shame on a brother if he's firsting