Proto Man

Yeah, I was more just talking about how previous commenters on this article have said things along the lines of "This is actual good kids programming and I'll be sad to see it go".  I'm sure the vast majority of active users on the site probably don't give a damn about Nickelodeon live-action programming.

I guess I'll go against the grain (or iGuessI'llGoAgainstTheGrain, amirite guys?) and say good riddance to this show.  Every episode of this show I've seen, which are admittedly few, so maybe I've somehow only seen shitty episodes, is just too over the top.  All of Dan Schneider's shows these days are (they probably

I guess I'll go against the grain (or iGuessI'llGoAgainstTheGrain, amirite guys?) and say good riddance to this show.  Every episode of this show I've seen, which are admittedly few, so maybe I've somehow only seen shitty episodes, is just too over the top.  All of Dan Schneider's shows these days are (they probably



Cow Tools.

Cow Tools.

Apparently Jesse Moynihan has come right out and said that the Destiny Gang were inspired by FotNS, so you're right on the money.

Apparently Jesse Moynihan has come right out and said that the Destiny Gang were inspired by FotNS, so you're right on the money.

He also befriended the Party God, remember?  He probably doesn't rank near as high as Prismo or Cosmic Owl, but still, an impressive feat.  Truly, Jake is THE party animal.

He also befriended the Party God, remember?  He probably doesn't rank near as high as Prismo or Cosmic Owl, but still, an impressive feat.  Truly, Jake is THE party animal.

They reminded me more of characters from Superjail.  Big D in particular.

They reminded me more of characters from Superjail.  Big D in particular.

You're right, I've had people correct me multiple other places around the internet.  I guess I wanted to attribute it to Zangief because his "sparrow's egg" line made me crack up.  Seriously, I wish they had spent a little more time in Game Central with the SF cast and all the other game icons before they jumped into

You're right, I've had people correct me multiple other places around the internet.  I guess I wanted to attribute it to Zangief because his "sparrow's egg" line made me crack up.  Seriously, I wish they had spent a little more time in Game Central with the SF cast and all the other game icons before they jumped into

I'm surprised that they went and put the Metal Gear Solid "!" sound in but didn't put it on a generic soldier.  Heck, you could get a great easy gag out of MGS's dumb as hell enemy soldiers at the bar or the villain meeting.  I mean, I didn't expect Snake (that's when money would have to start gettin' paid) but ya

I'm surprised that they went and put the Metal Gear Solid "!" sound in but didn't put it on a generic soldier.  Heck, you could get a great easy gag out of MGS's dumb as hell enemy soldiers at the bar or the villain meeting.  I mean, I didn't expect Snake (that's when money would have to start gettin' paid) but ya

Seriously, goddamn I wish Disney would put just the credits on Youtube because I could watch that shit on loop.  So much stuff and neat touches I just loved.  I liked Ralph and Co. joining Ryu to beat the shit out of the car in the bonus stage of Street Fighter followed by having credits in the Street Fighter font

Seriously, goddamn I wish Disney would put just the credits on Youtube because I could watch that shit on loop.  So much stuff and neat touches I just loved.  I liked Ralph and Co. joining Ryu to beat the shit out of the car in the bonus stage of Street Fighter followed by having credits in the Street Fighter font

Yeah, I can't believe "going Turbo" came back.  I'm really glad it did though, because I was sitting around racking my brain trying to figure out what it was a reference to for the longest time.  Especially since Zangief was the first character to say the phrase, I thought it had to be a reference to something Street