The answer you're thinking of isn't "They can't", it's "Can they?", which Chappelle buzzes as correct.
The answer you're thinking of isn't "They can't", it's "Can they?", which Chappelle buzzes as correct.
The professor was probably my second favorite contestant after the barber.
The professor was probably my second favorite contestant after the barber.
"Why did black people distrust Ronald Reagan?"
"Why did black people distrust Ronald Reagan?"
@avclub-cc225865b743ecc91c4743259813f604:disqus , I don't think you're looking around the internet enough, or you'd see a lot more comparisons
@avclub-cc225865b743ecc91c4743259813f604:disqus , I don't think you're looking around the internet enough, or you'd see a lot more comparisons
I get that this is most likely a joke, but congratulations on what has got to be one of the speediest invocations of Godwin's Law I've ever seen.
I get that this is most likely a joke, but congratulations on what has got to be one of the speediest invocations of Godwin's Law I've ever seen.
I was straight-up overcome with schadenfreude when she got picked last, like a fat kid at a pickup basketball game. Just grinning ear to ear. Christ, this season has given me an unnatural hatred for that woman.
Can't be much worse…
I thought the Liz/Tracy plot was contrived, but after 6 seasons, it's gotta be hard to figure out a new excuse for Morgan to act crazy week after week. I actually liked the Jack/Pete plot, though. It had enough jokes to work and Pete's end joke about being chased by a gay rabbi was pretty funny. All in all, it…
I'd say it's pretty much an objective fact that she did an excellent job.
See, I honestly don't think they can be that great. Revival of an animated property is easier, because that's strictly a matter of writing. But a live-action ensemble comedy like AD needs the actors, and it needs all the actors to kind of mesh together well and to make their characters believable and I just don't…
I always saw Jet's complaint about kids and women as less just chauvinist thinking and more him being upset about Ed's departure. Even though we don't really see them bond, he clearly takes up the surrogate father role on the ship.
Not just in terms of structure, but hell, Bleach turned into DBZ fight-wise as well. I mean, a few character's could shoot energy blasts, but everyone's sword had different powers which was kinda nifty. Then, suddenly, kido is introduced into the series, and everybody starts shooting Kamehamehas like it's going out…
You know, I thought this idea was dumb, but I'd pay good money to see Jeff Bridges play that ancient prick.
@avclub-323ca7b091beb1b26cc7a2612f1475d5:disqus : Fighting Spirit and sheer willpower, from the shows I've seen.
Well, Robert Downey Jr. pilots a little robot, does that count?
I honestly don't think there is a possibility in live-action. I've always been of the mindset that cartoons (and to a lesser extent, comics) should always be adapted to the big screen as cartoons. The big action scenes look all wrong when they're CGI-ed up and there's about a 1% chance you can get a live actor who…