Peter H

I neutral voted everyone

PCS you must have never heard of a little George Harrison hit called "I Got My Mind Set On You". Now that was raw.

so true
I never got the need to name a genre for half a dozen or so loosely related bands from the same region who didn't even all make the same kind of music.

No way Hayden Is the winner with how invisible his edit has been. Only Katie and Caleb have been lesser airtime factors of the players left.

Have been reading the onion online since the early 200s when I graduated HS. I had no idea their was even a print edition until a couple years ago.

I guess they regret not renting porn now.

I never knew this film had such an icy reception until I got older.

I'm holding out for a season of all trainwreck early boot/awful players like Semhar/Billy Garcia/the black lady who rejected Coaches hug,Dave from China,Marisa from Samoa etc. That could seriously be a helluva season.

Yeah I felt like if Laura B comes back if she would have gone back to Aras for example her entire boot episode would have been handled differently. Unless they are really using huge misdirection they are pretty much planting the seeds for an Aras downfall.

Aside from marriage another exception to the rule is if your a loveable old mad in a season like Fiji where most of the cast were pretty awful then bribing someone else by trading a car for immunity is within the rules.

I doubt either one would stand by and watch their brother being voted out at all. Their rivalry seems entirely played up by both of them and Production to make "good tv".

I feel exactly like the op. Even though I think Kat is a total sweetheart who just sucks at the game and Hayden is a likeable guy I really didn'tlike where that segment went and Probst trying to make drama out of their out of game life. If I want to watching a dating show I will watch a dating it's bad enough Big

Based on past prescident everyone who has come back from RI has had some kind of story set up for their return and John has been invisible outside of his story with Candice and Brad whereas Laura B. editing has been given an unfinished business arch since they would have finished off her storyline with her daughter if

As much as I love cats playing piano or men getting hit in the groin with ball I aint gonna pay to watch that stuff.

Tyson/Gervase being returning players has a lot to do with it. Being able to deal with food deprevation is a huge advantage. It's one of the reason even castaway who suck at the game their 1st go round still look strong compared to new people.

Ozzy was 1 challenge away from winning despite being voted out 2 times and someone won an Overseas version despite being voted out.

Except we have seen no footage of her overstrategizing anytime Kat said that they would cut to scenes of her just making small talk with people.

What happened is I think she saw Kim's performance and probably took the wrong lesson to try and play aggresive like her when she doesn't have the social skillset Kim does to play like that. If she had just layed low and been the sweetheart non threatening airhead and waited until merge that would have been her

I think their is a lot more then meets the eye. Unfortunately the last few returning castaway seasons the elephant in the room of pre existing relationships. If I had to guess Tina was always leaning towards protecting Vytas cause she is rock solid with Vytas and also if Vytas left her daughter would be in trouble

You should see her exit interview. She said her and Culpepper made amends on RI and she kind of was self depricating about her own over the top behaivor. Personally I think her and John are a perfect Ken and Barbie for each other. Her misanthropic distrust of others and his wide eyed trusting to a fault nature balance