Peter H

I wonder if her as "athletic threat" would existed if she were a white female who performed relatively the same in challenges. Most of the individual merge challenges now are basically some sort of endurance and theirs no indication one way or another she would have been a threat to win those. Joe and Malcolms


Theoretically that should screw you over but Production loves to try and catch lightning in a bottle twice, they reuse locations and people with similiar names so why not an Aubrey and an Audrey. After all their have been blonde Kellys and Kelley's.

Just think to a lot of young WWE fans he is just that movie star who had a match with Cena twice who guest stars to cuts 20 minute promos a few times a year.

Hogan is a world class scumbag of a person but Gawker are at a level worse then tabloid trash so I hope they go bankrupt lose their appeal and then Hogan bets all his winning on a roulette wheel spin and loses it all.

The 2 Beauty Girls who have atteneded 0 tribal councils have each gotten probably more confessionals then Sophie and Natalie W. did by this point. Not that I am predicting them to win but one of them could be underedited female who is sitting next to an a**hole and wins by default edit and get content shoehorned in

At least this year the system worked. Revanant is Twilight/emo porn for old guys and a hackjob. Spotlight is the best of all plausable options since the best of the nominees Mad Max will never win because a ton of Oscar voters still have a bias against genre films.

I hope not. Rey promo's are awful and he clearly hasn't been decent in the ring in years. For his health alone I wish someone like Rey would hang it up.

I 100% doubt that. If she makes the f3 she will have 3 guaranteed votes and no blood on her hands and would have to be the odds on favorite to win since it would be a huge underdog story to make f3 when she was down 7 to 1. Despite getting some great insight on the cbs secret scenes premerge that prove she is actually

Seems to me Monica just played that challenge way smarter then Hayden,Caleb and Katie. She was the only one who seemed to be putting the weight on the rest of her body and not relying on just her forearms.

How was Matt the smart one? He was a clear 4th wheel and was just as clueless about how he was just a pawn like the rest of the cast. I agree BB does have a lot of shitty winners who have absurd amounts of help by Production but Hayden is not one of them. His alliance was was so boring they had production try to tip

Vytas likeable??? Great character yes but he is a total sociopath.

Ciera mentioned on twitter when asked by another survivor about trying that but said Monica shot her down.

I would be really be shocked if he won considering he has had little or no airtime in almost all the episodes. Invisible people can win The Amazing Race and certain dating shows but I have yet to see anyone win Survivor while being shafted of airtime.

I think Ciera like Vytas has makings of a good player but is mostly being built up in the editing for a potential return in a future season.

Aras wasn't the only vet to benefit from pre game alliances the last 2 seasons. Basically everyone outside of Brenda/Erik had some kind of pregame stuff last time and everyone besides Candice/Rupert wifes from the vets did as well.
I really hope future returning players season they start interviewing them all in

Other then the wonderful episode where Danni and Jeff went back to back the double boot episodes are usually straightforward in BB and someone either at the bottom of the pecking order or with no edit ends up going since the cast usually can sniff out when the rounds are coming .

His problem is if he plays again is the cat is now out of the bag as far as how much of a sociopath and strategist he is.

I would be almost certain they know who is 1st,2nd ,3rd when they edit the season which is why is why their hasn't really been a negative/bad person winner edit since the days of Jenna M and Brian Heidik.

At this point I really don't don't see how anyone besides Tyson,Gervase or Ciera could win based on what's presented. Monica's too paranoid and wishy washy,Katie's alliance is all on RI,Hayden and Caleb might as well be cute blonde pageants girl and named Purple Hayden and Purple Caleb with how little content they