Peter H

Being a fan of the show he should know 2 past winners Aras/Tina would never fall for any of that stuff.

In a business reliant on the 18-49 viewing demo a miniseries about a guy who has not been a part of pop culture  the last  2 decades looks like a surefire ratings winner for NBC.

It's hard to say whether the chicken or egg came first this season. She was totally disengaged from most of the cast but they said some and did dispicable things outside of the bounds of decency that would make it hard to want to be around most of them. In real life if you are around someone who takes delight in

I doubt she would be back ever if not for RC and her dad having to drop out since they didn't even interview her for a potential spot .  Considering her husband is a dead ringer for a young Burt Lancaster with this format it makes sense they brought them in as last second replacements.

Bob is probably in terms of forming any stategic thoughts the worst winner ever  even below Fabio, even thought he is kind of more memorable as a tv charecter then most winners and a great human being.

Candice was a much bigger charecter then Parvati on Cook Islands but because of med school she had to decline Micronesia and a Survivor star was born. She may be kind of a "her" contestant now but she was probably one of the first people they even considered for heroes vs villians even if her gameplay really never

Besides Simon Cowell who left to start another talent show I don't think any other judges leaving was on a volunteer basis.

As someone who no pun intended,came of age in the pre internet era even though a lot of things are kind of similiar people of all ages were a lot more clueless to a lot of things sexually that now at a certain age are just a given. 

Alia Shawkat played a female her age on some show I was watching on Netflix.

You know who else predicted the last election? Every major betting firm.

Perhaps there will be an opening at Greendale U for a 1/16th Navajo student who recently broke up with his on again off again ex girlfriend/former fiancee.

The homophobia and sexism is still swept under the rug this and most other seasons. "Fan Favorite" Jeff Schroeder constantly made homophobic remarks both his seasons . And pretty much every season features meatheads who constantly refer to women as cunts but because they need hearthrobs for middle aged women to swoon

An obnoxious person in a Mumblecore movie? You don't say

Erik and Jason I always considered vastly better human beings then Ozzy. He was just as big as a smug dbag his first 2 seasons even though he was a "fan favorite", as he was in his 3rd go round when he was a jerk to Cochran.

Usa I never held it against you when I had to sit through those My Two Dad and Just The Ten Of Us reruns. Please return the favor and give us a 4th season of Happy Endings.

Did Nielsen really need  a study to find out people who are in aging Northeast and Midwest cities  watch way more tv then people who live in places where the weather is good and there are more activities one can do? Money well spent

I feel like if someone could recut Suburgatory with only The Shays and Dahlia it would be the greatest show ever.

I single handily blame you robinm for the cancellation of Happy Endings.

Brandon Tartikoff who ran NBC in the 80's and 90's realized there is no hope with dope. Current NBC execs can't put down the crack pipe, and thus NBC will be beaten in the ratings by Telemundo 2 by the end of the decade.

Yeah i think a new tribe against veterans the 2nd and 3rd timers are always gonna do better in challenges since they will know how to deal with the physically beating your body takes on an island better. As much as I think the fans were hosed I think some of them were awful (Bearded guy,Julia,Shemar,Hope)  casting