Peter H

I actually think Dawn could win in a scenario where she is in the minority at the merge and the majority Pagong out her fitter/younger allies  before her. Since the stress of decision making is mostly what made her bonkers I think just kind of laying low would work for her.  Fabio won essentially being the class clown

Yeah I would love if instead of
Rob plugging his book
Rudy ramble on saying *ueer for 3 minutes
Showing Malcolms soap opera clip and some nervous kid fawn over him

As much as I like Cochran I don't think it was good gameplay as to why Andrea saw him as her biggest ally they were actually really good friends outside the show.  Personally it's hard for me to figure out where he would rank among winners because he was friends with half the favorites tribe beforehand. That said he

Looking back I am not sure once her own Phillip in Shemar was medivaced and all her allies got taken out by the other fans what Sherri could have done different. Being the 4th wheel to Malcolm.Eddie and Reynolds would have guranteed 4th. Her problems to me seemed more social since no one on the jury seemed to like her

I don't think he needed a case to make to the jury. Bob and Fabio did nothing their seasons and in Bob's case he had an awful FTC and was tongued tied when ask to name a single strategic move.They still won because they had allies on the jury combined with people who were pissed and gonna vote against the person in

Eddie is a loveable nice albeit not bright guy. Reynolds come off  like a conceited douchebag. If either ever come back I would hope it's Eddie.

While she is contractually obligated to be at the reunion airlines can refuse to fly anyone 8 or more months pregnant  I doubt CBS was gonna make someone that late in their pregnancy travel across the country.

I am surprised The Dragon has gotten to play 3 times and his sidekick Tyson is getting a 3rd chance yet the "Dragon Slayer"  Sierra has never been invited back.

I have heard these rumors and I hope they are not true. There is literally no female eye candy with that cast. 3 older ladies RC and Kat? Gervase and Aras are good choices but seriously Tyson and Rupert should be done by now.

I would still say Amanda's in China is far worse because she literally may have cost herself the game.  If Sherri had been as eloquent as Dawn and Cochran to the jury she still would end up losing.

I actually was proud when Sherri stood up for herself to Erik. It was pretty daft when Reynold ,Eddie and him called her out on playing a weak strategic game like those are the last 3 jurors who had room to criticize anyone.

Yeah I would have loved to find out if Eddie would have won and if he is ever gonna open that dog bar.

It's weird how this seems like a foregone conclusion since Cochran has not been getting a Kim/Boston Rob type edit. Like if you were just looking at his edit alone on paper he could be getting jury threat who goes out in the finale or close runner up who is confined to his confessionals.  It's kinda by default

Your right about the Asian female curse. I would also throw in Jenny in Cook Islands  since that was the first impromptu double tribal council in the show ever.

Yeah but 39 days on an island being food deprived and with nothing to do all day probably feels like a year to the people out there.

I hope the ratings drop clues in the Producers to stop editing the show around 2-3 big charecters and to be a little more evenhanded. If people are invested in the majority of the cast like earlier seasons instead of treating half the cast like extra's who only talk during their boot episode ratings will be stable

I think Malcolm will win FF with Cochran in a distant 2nd.  Brenda likely would be neck and neck with Malcolm had she not been invisible the first 9 episodes.

Agreed so much mrat they always put the winner of that in a no win situation where they are the ahole who deprived people of seeing there loved ones or they are the saint like Brenda who no one in there right mind will want to face in the end.

Any time someone in Eddies position had there allies on the jury and they just snuck to the end they always win. That being said he is not a big a challenge threat as Brenda who also would have beaten the 4 other players.

Guest is such a random category every year but I assume the win  would be btwn him or Patrick Wilson for Girls unless someone else dies or something.