Peter H

Erik's definitely gotten the most unusual hard to explain edit Ive ever seen. This is the 2nd or 3rd episode where Erik is a  swing vote,he even seems to like getting to be a swing vote and then just rides with the majority and no further explanation is ever given 1 way or another why he decides to vote how he does.

If Eddie somehow won 2-3 challenges in a row and made f3 even though he is a clueless doofus he absolutely would win the game since he betrayed no one and he has many allies on the jury and would prolly just need 1-2 pissed off bitter jurors to vote with his allies.  He more then likely doesn't though since the tone

If she was the no vote finalist we would getting scenes showing why people either have no respect for her or dislike her personally not the physical threat edit she is being given.

I was not much of a fan of her the first time either but I thought Andrea was pretty much the star of this season . Her and Malcolm were the only thing keeping this from  veering into all time awful season premerge when Probst was insistent on the main focus being on the crazy 2 some of Phillip and Brandon.

Fabio was pretty visible albeit as a minor charecter all season. And in retrospect a lot of his airtime was useless filler that in retrospect only makes sense in being shoehorned in because he was the winner otherwise he might have gotten a Brett or Carter like edit.

Unless they are swerving people hard and Dawn has just a kick ass FTC I think given the edits of everyone left once  Andrea left  Cochran by default had this in the bag.

I am probably in the biggest minority everyone I am kind of neutral on him. I am not sure though if he is playing better  or  it's really more of a case of the first time he probably felt the deck was against him  with most of his tribe were alpha jocks and prom queens who he just didnt fit in with. This time he was

Looking at the way the favorites were put together  Malcolm,Corrine,Brenda and Erik unless they all would have just cliqued together they were always gonna be at best the bottom rung with a RI-SP clique.

I am not sure if he wins but if Eddie keeps his mouth shut the round Andrea was freaking out  and Corrine goes along with splitting the votes at the merge he is probably still in the game in a much better spot. He certainly misplayed his hand last week but he was only in such a bad spot to begin with because of

I gotta wonder what is up with other contestants going to Dawn to target Cochran and vice versa this season. Like hello they were allies from the SAME SEASON .And Dawn more then likely was cast because Probst and fans like Cochran and Producers wanted to tip the plate in his favor.  Hell if I ever got cast for this

I would agree Cochran is starting to really look more and more like the winner. Besides Andrea everyone else left has been edited too negatively or had no screen time too long to really be serious contenders with the way Survivor editing works. Sheri is a possible wildcard but the way I saw Probst hyping this as the

The premerge was at times unwatchable because of all the focus on Brandon and what seemed like multiple Phillip gives people nicknames segements each episode. I can't think of any story arch involving Brenda or anyone else they ignored  which would have been worse to watch.

Whoever bid on that reward was winning the challenge and his other win was weird food eating challenge that has not been used for immunity in almost a decade. Ozzy was an enititled douchebag every time he played but he was right about Cochran who in most seasons is a liability in team rounds.

If Reynold had won the editing would have tried to paint his "hot people alliance" as wronged underdogs and not clueless airheads who didn't realize they were being targetted. That said I hope I am wrong and would be pleasantly surprised if him or Eddie somehow made it to the end and won cause they have been great

Brenda has to have the record for the least amount of confessionals up to this point in the game. I would love to see her win but unless the show is trying some avant garde thing of giving the winner no storyline it aint happening. I would also rule out Malcolm solely on how crushed he looked at the Phillipines

He used 2 idols to survive 1 tribal council and took out Phillip?  If his goal was to get more screen time it's a good move but he still in the same position he was a round before but now he is idolless and still in the minority.

While I think what Malcolm did makes "good tv" burning 2 idols to oust Phillip seems like a total waste. Unless they find 2 more idols next episode Stealth R Us are still on track to stroll through the game

Saul(t) Of The Earth

I yearn for the day where we have a Ukranian soap opera channel in the good ole use of a.

That entire Jim plotline was nothing but a paid ad for subway.