Peter H

I think at this point they are heading into a why Dawn gets emotional and blow it arch ala Lisa or a why Dawn wins this season. If she doesn't win by default Andrea,Cochran or Sherie seem like the only plausable options.

Unless we are totally being shielded from some other alliances out there it seems Corinne botched this since if she would have played along with the vote splitting plan with the favorites her Malcolm,Michael,Eddie and Reynold without any other votes would have been able to blindside Phillip with just their 5.

It's pretty  mean and petty for Producers to kind of attack her personality like this the last 2 weeks. They are the one's who casted her. If you don't want vanilla find another flavor before filming. Surely they could find 1 person with a bigger personality in a country of 300 milllion.  If they cast her cause of her

At this point I think you have to take what he says with a grain fo a salt. Anytime Jeff says a season is one of the 5 best seasons it means either one of his mancrushes wins or they spend a lot of time focusing on crazies like Brandon and Phillip.

I can't believe they canceled George Lopez for a show about a Medevil midget banging whores.

The basement will get blown up

The weird thing about this season though isall the confessionals have been dominated by Brandon who is already gone and Phillip who will never win. Malcolms also gotten a nice low key edit but considering this season ended weeks before the Phillipines Finale airred I have to think the way he looked like he wanted to

I have heard  her on Rob Cesternino's podcast saying she was supposed to be on but had  drop out. It could be a lie from her but it would explain the most wtf returneee ever Danielle showing up since Danielle is kind of like B version of her.

I think it's pretty unfair to lump Brenda in with people like Dawn and Andrea who were dubiously cast solely to better the position of producer pets Cochran and Phillip.  Brenda was pretty much the main narrator of her season and ended up being taken out because everyone was afraid she would win. It's really just bad

Producers are so sadistic. I remember getting  super happy in Heroes vs Villian when I saw Courtney and Tyson would be back and we would get a ton of snark from them …………….. and then they each got like 2 confessionals all season.

Dawn was pretty much only cast because she would be a guranteed ally for producer fave Cochran.  There are about a half dozen older females from recent seasons who were either more memorable or were bigger players then her.

I don't think the host of the amazing race get's off on watching psychopathic behaivor the way Jeff does. I doubt they will ever risk their shows rep and bring a Hantz on.

Is there an emmy category for  explotation?

It's not the psych evaluators they probably have alerted him when they have people like Brandon and Shemar in the cast . Jeff has ultimate say who stays and goes now and he seems to genuinely love the unstabale people. He is shitting on what was once the best reality show on tv and turning it into  a show that is one

The right thing to do was never bringing someone in that mental capacity back to the game in the first place. This was pure Maury Povich/Jerry Springer/Sideshow circus level explotation of Brandon. That said the homoerotic messaging slightly made up for some of it.

Yeah unfortunately Probst is a man of low morals so excpect more guys like Brandon and Shemar in the future who have no business being on the island.

she is alright lookig

Andy  I would say the flaw with Laura's game was targetting the other 2 blonde girls. If someone is one of the physically weakest they should be keeping  around other weak people to avoid being a target for being the weakest person like she was last night.

I agree with this completely. Reality competition shows are a decade old, once you have watched a certain number of seasons you can see where the boot is going 95% of the time even when they try to throw in a decoy 2nd option. There is no use anymore trying to waste time throwing them at the audience in expense of

I would agree with that to an extent but like 80% of the edit is veering into Probst fan fiction devoted to his mancrushes Phillip,Brandon and the  explotation of Shemar. I  still like the plausable chances of  Erik and Brenda because once Probst took over as Producer people with little face time as  Natalie and