Peter H

I didn't watch the Olympics so I  never heard about this Oscar guy until this week.

Agree with you completely Chuck, although I would say in a full all star game where everyone has allies on both sides  might be an exception.

I am not sure why David Walton keep getting series that last 6 episodes and a Furry Fanfic but I approve.

I think Candice and Sandra are more tweeners cause neither of them fit as a hero or villian but they decided to place them on the tribes they did because they wanted the heroes even more stacked physically. Looking back its kind of a shocker the heroes did not absolutely destroy the villians pre merge that season.

The season was afoot with potential if they would have ignored the worst castaway ever Colton and  the boring /nice winner and just focused on Kat and Tarzan more.

But it was more like the Senior(guy on chance 4) on the varsity squad throwing a no-hitter on the Freshman squad.   

I wish someone who works for Amazing Race casting  would check out how much Sugar and Corrine still hate each other and sign them up for a season

Same here. As much as I would love to see more actual fans get cast as that increases my own chances I think getting strong personalities that break through on camera is the most important thing for a reality show. The cast will make or break a season.   A good cast even if the season is predictable will make it

So who else when they saw The Jenny McCarthy Show on the main page for the tolerability index for a split second thought they were back in 1998 since they had no idea she had a show on VH1 now.

I am not a white person and the thought of tap water is downright terrifying. There are a lot of trivial things Dallas makes a mountain out of but being without fruited water is actually pretty serious.

I still can't believe they killed Animal Practice for this. Bobby Lee will be stuck making Chelsea Lately appearances forever.

Why couldn't they get that one guy who sang you get what you give and the tell me all your thoughts on god band.

I agree with your point but the example you use isn't a good one cause Kendrick and Snow if I had not known who they were I would say they could easily pass for college age girls.

Maybe not now cause she's might be pushing 50 and probably a challenge liability but if I was betting on  a player at the beginning of a season I would take someone with Vecepia's or Aras personal skill set's easily over Rob's cause he only has 1 way of playing that makes him toast if his tribe or alliance loses the

Maybe not now cause she's might be pushing 50 and probably a challenge liability but if I was betting on  a player at the beginning of a season I would take someone with Vecepia's or Aras personal skill set's easily over Rob's cause he only has 1 way of playing that makes him toast if his tribe or alliance loses the

Pearl Islands
I think China,Pearl Islands and Amazon are kind of universally liked seasons though most would recommend.

Pearl Islands
I think China,Pearl Islands and Amazon are kind of universally liked seasons though most would recommend.

Andy If i remember correctly the cast in Mircronenia left for the season about a week or 2  into China airring so it would make sense them knowing who James was and not Amanda since he was a big charecter all season. Despite being a finalist and in the game dominant alliance she didn't really get airtime until the

Andy If i remember correctly the cast in Mircronenia left for the season about a week or 2  into China airring so it would make sense them knowing who James was and not Amanda since he was a big charecter all season. Despite being a finalist and in the game dominant alliance she didn't really get airtime until the

Aside from Corrine who was just an outright awful person who gave the most distasteful final jury speech in the shows history I think a lot of these people have potential to be memorable the 2nd time out. Although I have no idea what happens Probst has been on record saying this season is one of the best ever so my