The Big Electron

Dune remake?
Wouldn't be another Dune adaptation, you CLOD!

Willem Dafoe is from Appleton. Don't know if he still has a home there, but I'm sure he can still overact like he does.

The ketchup/mustard bit at the hot sauce place was pretty good too.


Emilio Estevez waits patiently by his phone, yearning for that call for the next Mighty Ducks movie.

I don't understand
This has nothing to do with Charlie Sheen.

He kind of looks like a Bavarian Bob's Big Boy with that haircut.

Similar to Adam Sandler's early stuff
Their movies weren't great, but they were consistently funny. Contrasted with comedies from the 2000's, they weren't dependent on cultural references or the juvenile self-discovery spawned from American Pie. The jokes were stupid, but they were so over the top and aided by

Two reasons. It's either because it's expensive as hell to get divorced OR, you don't want someone running around telling everyone your disgusting fetishes.

Gala. Suck it, hippies.

I'm glad Brandon Crouch is having fun
I'd have super fun with millions of other people's dollars too. Yay god!

Michael Keaton just chose not to go chasin' waterfalls.

I never asked for this
Being an advice columnist doesn't prepare you to be an intergalactic bounty hunter.

"Radical feminists have more earnest things to do."

It's sure leaving me in suspense.

So in other words
This film features at least two midget hookers?

A few comments about Jews controlling the macadamia industry and your comparison would be dead nuts, Jorge.

If the past four are any indication
The odd-numbered Die Hards are the good ones. So I have high hopes. Also, I hope to see the return of Reginald VelJohnson.

I'm still not convinced. Provide several more examples.

I pine for his movies where he's deliberately acting stupid. At least Billy Madison and Happy Gilmore were amusing.