The Big Electron

My only complaint about classic rock stations is Black Sabbath. They're so much more than the Paranoid album yet that's all they play.

To alcohol; the cause of, and solution too, all of life's problems.

Around message boards it does. Otherwise they turn into ideological circle jerks.

It isn't about intellectual superiority, it's about me being sick of people using her and libertarianism as the straw men for our current economic crisis. For eight years this country was run into the ground by neoconservative corruption and incompetence, who despite their rhetoric were big government to the extreme.

That would be the best case scenario, yes.

Quite honestly, the only insufferable thing I find about Ayn Rand these days is people's need to complain about how insufferable Ayn Rand is. Then something something move to Somalia, followed by sarcastic Ron Paul support.

People ask about the American dream. Now if a gay, cross dressing black man can make it to that level then isn't it alive and well?

I always thought he would make for a good interview. He makes a good point about always being in character. He's not paid to be Dan.

Is he even on Slate anymore? He was such a constant asshole it was hard to stand him.

Well there was that Treat Williams interview. Maybe we'll get an Ace of Base interview for the hat trick.

It worked for Harry Reid, dgl. It'll work for Obama too.

All I want is for SI Football analyst Peter King to switch with Republican Congressman Peter King.

Raped at 11?
And half his current songs are about his fucking broads not getting him? Christ on a shit cracker.

Did you hear the one where the Internet guy pretends he's a racist, bigoted American conservative?

If you hated "Watching You", try on "Honey Bee" for size. It's sort of like Waylon's "You Ask Me Too", if it were made by a pussy little hick. I had to listen to that for 10 days straight last time I was home.

She isn't. Amelie is just trying to appear hip in her grievances. Diane Sawyer didn't pay for her mortgage in dead babies.

I think he's trying to ensure that Going Overboard is not his worst movie ever.

That's funny
There's a large part of me that wishes he never made "Pour Some Sugar On Me". It's barely edged out by Rodney Atkins' "Watching You" as the most detestable song ever made.

My favorite is when vegans go at it over the acceptability of honey.

That's unfair
Think of all the out-of-work construction workers who finally have jobs because of all the damage caused by a dude in a rubber bat suit. I'm sure bicycling to work at AV Club Gotham City is perfectly safe.