The Big Electron

Plus, Topher Grace!

You'll take your 12 weekly reviews of dreary, pretentious solo guitarists and like it pal.

Liv Tyler tends to give those types of performances that wear on you, even after you've left the theater. Re-watching the LOTR movies makes me wish she'd gotten on that god damn elf boat to eternity.

Bruce Springsteen "Highway Patrolman"
"Well I chased him through them county roads till a sign said Canadian border five miles from here/
I pulled over the side of the highway and watched his taillights disappear"

Pitchfork in Paris?
How can a thing be any more up it's own ass?

I'm sure it had a hell of a curve though.

I hope one of them is "Jessica Alba After Running a 5K". Snoogins.

I hope one of them is "Jessica Alba After Running a 5K". Snoogins.

Sounds like steam escaping…


Just bad
94 minutes and not one spared for Larry the Cable Guy.

He uses it like the rest of us. Complaining about pop culture on AV Club.

Honestly the "man's road to redemption + a kid" trope is a bigger turn-off than the robot angle. And this misses the Battle Bots trend by several years.

They take Nostradamus and other such junk as fact often enough so they might as well go hog wild.

It's like Max Payne in that sense. The dialogue can come off as poorly translated and the story muddled, but it isn't at predictable as the standard bearers of the genre.

Haha, that's so cute
Got to love it when kids these days toss around the word "racism" as if they have any inkling of what it actually means.

Gave me an idea for that AVQA
A real-life Log Jammin'.

Must be tiring to fight to power 24/7.

Given the gap in time, I doubt we'll see Episode 3 on Source. Valve is either making a new engine for it, or they're too busy doing Playmates on piles of cash.

You know what needs more advetising?
AdBlocker Plus. I'd pay for that shit.