The Big Electron

Ho ho Mark, if only your serve was as good as that lobster.

Infinity Blade?
I hate to be a Downer Dora but, that seems like an excessive amount of blade.

Candy Store Rock
One of Zep's most obnoxious songs, especially coming after the awesome "Nobody's Fault but Mine".

Sorry, that was me
I just kept hitting restart on the torrent 16,580,000 times.

And blubies.

Vat of KY, you amateurs.

Question my Lord Xenu, conqueror of galaxies

You can beat our Pack but you can't lick our Dickey!

Haha, awesome
I loved him on "Coach". Oh, the hijinks him and Dauber got into.

Glad I stayed home for the game. Bar patrons frown upon others doing cartwheels over injuries.

See. Been telling people we should have stuck with the Majik Man.

Ok, I'll say it
What the fuck is that on his head?

Drunk driving is considered more a skill than a crime in Wisconsin though.

Someone must have knocked down my "Don't Feed the Trolls" sign

Finding a way to associate date rape to cookware took that salesman a long way.

That's who killed hip-hop? Sweet, now I know who to send the fruit baskets too.

Now run home and get your fuckin' fail box.

+1 Cliff. For me, it immediately squelched that asinine, nihilistic opinion that 9/11 had killed humor in America.

His review said it was crumtrulescent.

You'd think the note on that place would be payed for by now…