The Big Electron

Pierce is a witch, divining his way through comic book reviews! He must burn!

Quote of the Day
"Actors get slathered in make-up to play expensive games of pretend while reading other people's lines—if anything, they should be held to a lower standard than everyone else. They're professional pretenders, for fuck's sake, not nuns"

He's leaving after the photo to road hunt mule deer with the Nuge.

Because he is a crap-filled bag.

Can't wait to wear them

Their main purpose is if you see a Black Eyed Peas CD case in someone's possession, you know not to breed with them.

This review
Is not metal.

Who? The Midwest.

Just don't forget
All of us that helped make you. So, you know, take us to DQ for a dip top or something.

CoD. Mission. Ever.

I'll have to try playing my Virtual Boy in front of Kinect for the ultimate gaming experience.

I'll do whatever the hell I want to do.

New country is seriously fucking awful. I can't explain it.

Your wife sounds like a wonderful woman.

Speaking of The Onion
Please tell your corporate masters that having tits on their main page is bad work juju.

Seriously Cuba
Spoiler alert, yo.

Hey I appreciate them telling me it's a women of SNL episode. Then I know to change the channel.

Speaking of un-selling out with Pinkerton
Anyone have other examples of bands purposely sabotaging their growing fame? Faith No More coming out with "Angel Dust" is front and center in my mind. Mike Patton has a vested interest in making sure most people don't like his music.

Well, just make you're the first one to point it out as soon as it isn't funny. That's what matters.

And nutmeg. But mostly sarcasm.