The Big Electron

I don't appreciate people stealing my pick-up lines, sarCCastro.

Not Uzi. Don't they teach small arms at journalism school anymore??

I was separated from our unit. Came across a bunch of Germans asleep a field. Bayoneted every last one of them. Didn't find out 'til later the war had been over for a week.

I hope they're grizzled!

I prefer Dirty Harry's method.

I remember at George Lucas' tribute show he had Maroon 5 perform because his daughter was such a huge fan.

Stop being a nancy you silver-haired closet-case.

I thought that was Frank DeCaro.

How many times
Did Secretariat come in first?

These ads seem counter-productive.

Mmm, Everclear Coladas!

You know what I like about these blogs?
They aren't television shows.

I feel alone in this
But I thought 4 was terrible, but 3 was the second best Die Hard. But I'm a sucker for anything that involves a loud, belligerent Samuel L. Jackson.

Slow news day.

It's not an RIP thread
So it's good enough for me.

Stones from the Sky by Neurosis
Gets to me.

All right then
I expect a Monday Night Raw review then, O'Neal.

Oh no, not a Fragile fight.

This a good thing.
So…I guess…that's the comment.

I get to see George Lucas fuck everything up in an additional dimension.