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    At the risk of being a contrarian cliche…

    Skrewdriver was the first thing I thought of when I saw this article. In spite of what they (well, just Ian Stuart, actually) became, those early records are phenomenal thuggy punk rock. How can you resist a song like this?

    A fun game to play at the movies
    When you're sitting in the theater watching the trailers, count how many of them are an original idea and how are a sequel, remake, based on a book/comic book/TV show, ad infinitum.

    It plays on IFC and VH1 Classic every now and then. The uncensored IFC version is obviously preferable but see the movie any chance you can.

    I had to read that sentence three times.

    The Legacy of Social Distortion
    Bad tattoos are a lot more prevalent nowadays.

    Hubba hubba.

    Gotham Central is awesome.

    Remember when…
    …white rock critics thought Arrested Development and PM Dawn were the future of hip hop?

    "Space Odyssey" is certainly not the Byrds finest moment but I'd listen to it before "Mind Gardens" in a heartbeat.

    My personal pick
    "Mind Gardens" from the the Byrds' "Younger Than Yesterday" album.


    I've been trying to get "Curmudegon-core" to take off as a genre term for a while now.

    If you bought "Alien Lanes" in 1995, you probably wouldn't think it was overrated. You probably be wondering why people were buying Live and Bush records when this awesome band existed. At worst, you might think it wasn't quite as good as "Bee Thousand."

    Gavin Rossdale Lyric Writing Academy
    I actually thought the above Bush lyrics were to "Glycerine" until I got to the final line.

    The Record Label of the Year
    Still no podcast love for HoZac records, Mr. Hyden? I'm very disappointed in you.

    Fist of all, for whatever reason, Laura Ballance has never photographed well. If you saw in her in person during Superchunk's heyday, you'd be hard pressed to name a hotter rockin' babe in the world. But even then, pictures never really captured her beauty.

    Using the word "jazzed" in consecutive sentences? Someone please buy Mr. Rabin a thesaurus for Christmas.

    There's little I hate more than plugging Pitchfork but they have two of the album's best tracks available for listening: http://pitchfork.com/forkca…

    "bands that owed more to Black Sabbath than Black Flag"