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    You sound like you haven't watched TNA in a while. They've wisely downplayed the former WWE talent and are pushing new stars. Bobby Roode has been their world champion for close to 9 months. Austin Aries has been X division champion for nearly as long. James Storm is being positioned as the company's top baby face.

    You sound like you haven't watched TNA in a while. They've wisely downplayed the former WWE talent and are pushing new stars. Bobby Roode has been their world champion for close to 9 months. Austin Aries has been X division champion for nearly as long. James Storm is being positioned as the company's top baby face.

    What are the odds we can get the AV Club to cover TNA Impact, even for just a single episode? They've done Raw a couple of times and Impact has been infinitely more watchable of late.

    What are the odds we can get the AV Club to cover TNA Impact, even for just a single episode? They've done Raw a couple of times and Impact has been infinitely more watchable of late.

    Just FYI, you haven't missed the chance to donate to The Best Show on WFMU or WFMU itself. Their annual fund-raising marathon runs through next Sunday and Tom will be doing another marathon episode next Tuesday from 9pm-12am EST. Go here to donate: https://www.wfmu.org/marath…

    Fuck Bruce Dickinson. Paul Di’Anno forever!

    If you're looking for original music on YouTube, may I suggest the wonder that is Tonetta.

    Agreed. I liked those early singles a lot but for the album I was struck by how whiny the vocals sounded with any distortion or buzz. Kind of a nasally, actually reminded me of Blink 182, which is not a good thing.

    Yesterday I saw the video for Soft Cell's "Sex Dwarf" for the first time. I quickly realized it was pretty much the template for Nine Inch Nails entire career: http://vimeo.com/10458506

    Technically, a New Alliance release. Reissued on SST proper when SST bought the label in 1987.

    Nice to see the props for Saccharine Trust’s Paganicons. They were arguably the best "tier two" SST band i.e. the ones who never achieved any kind of mainstream recognition.

    I thought much of the praise "David Comes to Life" garnered was because it was an "important" album.

    That anyone will listen to me but Bass Drum of Death and Naked on the Vague put out really great records this year.

    I'd say I would never buy another Frank Miller comic again. But, in all honesty, that probably wasn't going to happen anyway.

    No love for "Task Force X?"

    I'm so happy AV Club is doing this for TV Club Classic. I actually just finished re-watching the entire JL and JLU series on DVD about a week ago, right before the recaps started. Now I get to watch them again!

    Can we can an audio snippet of this interview?

    Great! Now if we could do the same for "Married… With Children," I'd never ask anything of the AV Club again.

    In all seriousness, you're even more wrong.

    "Cheers" for TV Club Classic!