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    The "Clueless" soundtrack might actually be the best sampler of commercial 90s alternative rock. Even the new wave covers on the album kind of underscore a certain truth that doesn't get mentioned much: The 90s alt-rock explosion is to 80s punk/indie/college rock what new wave was to punk.

    TIn Machine
    I feel like the TIn Machine project would have been much better received had it been released as a Bowie solo album rather than having the pretense of being a "band" Bowie was merely part of. Though their records certainly haven't aged very well, the Tim Machine albums were a lot more adventurous than

    I've listened to the new Reading Rainbow only once. It didn't impress me quite as much as seeing them live but perhaps it's a grower.

    …is a very good record.

    A few weeks ago, late at night, I found myself watching "Final Destination 3" with the sound off.

    When Freddy Krueger turned around and had a beard, I laughed harder than I had at anything in this episode.

    I actually hear a lot more Buzzcocks than Buddy Holly in the melody of "Hey Ya." They way Andre 3000 stretches out his syllables to end lines in the second verse… that's pure Pete Shelly is you ask me.

    Little Known Fact about the Budos Band
    Bassist Dan Foder was also the bassist for the short-lived but much-loved powerviolence hardcore group CR. He's also probably the only member of the Daptone roster who'd wear a Black Flag t-shirt on stage.

    The Horrible Secret of the Suicide Girls
    And of nearly all "punk rock" girls in general.

    RIP Boss
    I"m sure you're overpaying free agents in hell.

    Jonathan Mellor
    That's Joe Strummer's real name, isn't it?

    Knock knock
    Who's there?

    I never really considered them as a band with cred, which is why I wrote "ostensibly."

    Thw Worst Song Ever
    Everclear's "AM Radio."

    Married With Children…
    …had at least 3 back door pilots, I think.

    I second Lexicon. "Punk" was happening in some form throughout the 70s. All these disparate bands from all parts of the world working in a post Stooges/Velvet Underground vein. I was really only when the Ramones first album was released that the "punk sound" gained parameters. Prior to that "punk" could have sounded

    Wow. I was not expecting a negative review
    I've been as hard on "South Park" as anyone over the past year or two. I thought the second half of last season in particular was pretty terrible with the exception of "Dances With Smurfs."

    Fair enough. But with all constant (no pun intended) "Watchmen" references "Lost" dishes out, I thought it was a pretty transparent allusion.

    Also comics related: "The Nearness of You" is an awesome story. Actually, all of "Astro City" is very, very good.

    Hulk Origin Story? I think not
    Desmond got Dr. Manhattan-ed tonight.