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    Is there really…
    …an animal buddy comedy set on Staten Island?

    I think if there's anything salvageable from "Amazon Women on the Moon," it would be David Alan Grier's greatest contribution to cinema and culture as whole: Don "No Soul" Simmons.

    Now in theaters?
    I can't decide what's more surprising about the "Boondock Saints" sequel: that it exists or that it was released in theaters.

    Not bad
    This episode was a bit of a let down after last week's tour de force. I was kind of hoping they'd be done with the man/boy love stuff after Sgt Hatred's reprogramming. It feels a little "Family Guy," if you know know what I mean. However, I will say that a gag like the Astroglide being used to get the

    Praise from Caesar!

    Weaker Than A Hogan Legdrop
    This episode was some pretty weak swipes at a pretty obvious target.

    Do we really need an AD movie?
    Am I the only one who feels that an "Arrested Development" movie is unnecessary and could possibly taint the legacy of the show?

    Is "The Venture Brothers" the best show on television?

    Brendan Mullen
    For those who haven't read it, I highly recommend "We've Got the Neutron Bomb." The LA punk scene may have arrived a bit later but was just as vital as those in New York and London. Those who have wondered how the art-school intellectualism of early punk morphed into the suburban nihilism of hardcore

    "Gillian Jacobs is such an appealing actress"
    Yes, she is.

    Re: "amazing musicianship"

    No Live Versions
    I get that.

    Maybe I'm turning into an old lady here…
    …but I find the Leslie/Dave the Cop courtship to be incredibly sweet and affecting.

    I misread this…
    …and thought for a moment that Rainn Wilson has joined the cast of A-Team.

    Selling out?
    All these bands are pretty mersh if you asked me.

    Stipe didn't know the Adverts did "One Chord Wonders?"

    Mr. Caine,

    I'm with Snape on this one. This review is misses the mark by a wide margin. Indebted to Riot Grrrl? Well, they're women playing punk rock. They MUST be influenced by Riot Grrrl. That's just sexist tripe. As for the Brooklyn scene elevating a bland act… well, I don't know you definition of bland but given just a

    In the words of Ralph Wiggum
    "Spiders and their webs are shown repeatedly, for those who missed the visual metaphor the first time."

    The Lesson of the Summer so far
    Hollywood, don't bother spending money on high concept comedies, ala "Land of the Lost" and "Year One." With comedy, people want something to which they can immediately relate ala "The Hangover."