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    How many kids are now going to get into serious trouble because their parents will assume they're discussing their "Fuck Buddy" when they're actually referencing "Facebook?"

    I believe the official name is the Department of Redundancy Department.

    More like it's turning into Season 5 of "Curb Your Enthusiasm."

    I'm going to take it a step further and call it the "Best Office Cold Open Ever."

    That hatin guy is right on. It's not like this band has been around for 20 years and has some historical context. He's made it this far in life without hearing the Vaselines so why bother to explore an important band any further when one can just click on the sample track. It's better to openly complain via the

    @Warren Oates

    Sublime is a frat guy's idea of ska. And we all know frat guys have the worst taste in music of any demographic (except for maybe professional wrestling fans).

    An "A?" Really?
    I thought this was a good episode but considering how good "Breaking Bad" is at its best, I don't think "Breakage" can be considered one of the series' finest. Mainly, it seemed as though the writers were moving around the pieces to set up future drama. There's nothing wrong with that but I can't say

    I have to agree with Dwide Schrude re: the Nerves.

    People who say "I could do this"

    These are the things a good publicist will buy you. With apologies to our friends in AV Club, what music gets covered by everyone from semi-literate bloggers to the NY Times is largely a matter of quid pro quo.

    I think they were actually listening to "Wild, Wild West" by the Escape Club.

    It's simple, raindog.

    A real life MILF Island and now this?

    Truly, you pierce my very soul.

    Okay, I'll confess.

    The only Carlos D I care about…
    …is the one that plays first base for the Mets.

    I think they changed the title of this particular program
    To "Exposition and Cheap Melodrama in Space."

    I'm not just saying this because I want to see tits and/or humping
    Any chance of an unrated version?

    The Question Everyone Should Be Asking
    First Lookout! Now Touch & Go.