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    I don't know if Kate has had anything as affecting as the Mr. Bergstrom episode.

    "with everyone just marching inexorably toward a pre-determined fate.

    Ed Brubaker's "Sleeper" is awesome, by the way. Maybe not Miracleman good but it's on a short list of superhero titles NOT written by Alan Moore that I would call essential reading.

    I'm sorry if anyone has already mentioned this…
    …but no "The Fugitive?"

    I was just about write about this scene's absence from the list. One of the funniest scenes in movie history in my humble opinion.

    Buzzcocks influence
    It's funny that you mention how many bands should be cutting Pete Shelley a check. I personally always thought that Outkast's "Hey Ya" was a tribute to the Buzzcocks. At the very least Andre's vocals are very Pete Shelley-esque. Listen to the chorus of "I Don't Mind" and then the second verse of

    Unconfirmed Rumor
    As long as we're talking McCain daughters and music, I've heard that Sydney McCain was actually part of the DC hardcore scene back in the day and even dated Minor Threat/Dag Nasty/Bad Religion guitarist Brian Baker. Can anyone back me up on this?

    Red Sox
    As someone noted earlier, when Jack asks Frank if the Sox won the series it's possible that they've actually won the series twice as they have in real world since series began. The island's hundred days or so could be the off island's 4 years. Combine that with Daniel's rocket experiment and it seems pretty