
But some of it's really catchy, it's not like they've turned into Tim Hecker.

Counterpoint: everything Uncle Monty says.

Initiation is as great as it is skeezy. And it is very skeezy.

That's what TIME magazine is for, to make those calls that we mortals are unqualified or unwilling to make.

That's it, I don't necessarily feel that this is a tailspin he's going to get out of. He spent most of season five totally checked out of his actual job, and the old magic seems to have eluded him since his triumphant return to the creative side of advertising.

It seems like the clients totally buy into the idea of Don Draper being this mercurial genius at this point. Loved the way they tried to stay so smiley and attentive while he refracted their deluxe Hawaiian vacation experience through the prism of being on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

That is amazing, thank you so much.

@avclub-a6fdefb2b99177b152b2392b43097665:disqus I think the idea was to cover it better than the Foo Fighters could ever play it, thus ruining for them forever. This was based on the idea that Dave Grohl is as petty as emotionally unstable as Prince, though.

@avclub-bdd1b613ee6fcac7694cf648430358ce:disqus That would make a lot of sense, because Spotify and Pandora have a pay model that's sort of similar to someone buying a record. I'm sure Prince sets a lot of stock by principle.

@avclub-90248d0a98105fa534cf2b0696ddd12f:disqus Oh sure, I meant posthumous induction instead of memorial concert. Love how he refused to play any part of the song apart from the solo,  then threw his guitar to be caught by whoever and flouncing off rather than take a bow with the others. The phrase "fuck you, Prince

He'd get advertising money off Youtube though, and he's seemed pretty against that in the past. Maybe he just didn't get the revenue model, and whenever anyone tried to explain it to him he just declared it was witchcraft and played funk breaks until everyone left.

Prince's is an amazing and totally irreproachable asshole-ness, he commits to it so completely. From covering Foo Fighters as revenge to hijacking George Harrison's memorial concert, dude brings panache and total focus to being a mad prick.

But he's on Spotify. Like, a huge percentage of his whole back-catalogue. I guess I don't fully understand Prince's rationale for the things he does, is what I'm saying.


Actually, now that I've read the actual article, the overall tone is a lot more self-lacerating a lot of the extracts above necessarily indicate.

The part that got me wasn't the sex clubs, it was: "Gucci men's clothing best represents who I want to be and have become—rocker, edgy, tight, bad boy, hip, stylish, flamboyant, unafraid, raging against the conformity…" etc.

Kristin Hersh's autobiography is amazing as well, one of my favourite rock books.

Why are the bikini girls wall-eyed? Why is golumn there? Is it sending up album covers which are just a bunch of radical things like cobras and chicks? If so, Limp Bizkit is doing this? Why is Golumn picking his nose? Why is there a ship?

Devoted serious time* to trying to work out whether the album cover for their last album, Gold Cobra, is serious. Or, if it's not serious, then what? And why even bother in the first place.

@avclub-e346d6f1bb5d611c2b6f81dae3046d20:disqus Because God!