
Or a book co-written by Neil Strauss, Thomas Kinkade and Elizabeth Gilbert

I like to get that Kid A review out and look at it like a treasured photo sometimes. The way it manages to open on "I had never even seen a shooting star before" and get more cringey from there is astonishing and I hope it won some kind of internet award.

"standing in the light of a secret" is just completely woeful prose, virtuoso bad.

I take your point, but one thing I've always appreciated Pitchfork for, and what's kept me reading it on and off since the early aughts, is that it was always a place that reviewed pop and hip-hop as well as rock and indie.

I was 15 and I got a notebook and drew the characters on the front and coloured them in and covered it with glitter and hid it under my bed. Serious panache.

I note a bunch of accounts with no profile pic and no previous comments have signed up to clear up some defamatory flippancy about the population of Dublin.

If it's the same as the Record Store Day vinyl collection they put out last month there's a few songs that never aired, or at least never appeared on the bootleg CD I had of it. I can probably guess how Swan Swan H would sound unplugged, but I'm excited about hearing World Leader Pretend.

I never saw JEM until my first serious girlfriend showed it to me, and I realised pretty quickly that male eighties-born kids had been sold a bill of goods, barely-legal product placement cartoon-wise.

Absolutely, I'm hoping for some big colourful glam version. The poster shots seemed pretty stark and low-lit though, so maybe not.

He's at that special age!

My sister was crazy into Alanis Morrissette back in the mid-nineties, and one time I saw some cheapo unauthorised Alanis biography in a store. I dashed over to her all excited to give her the great news, and she was totally nonplussed, like "why would I want to buy that?"

I guess the point is that (most) 30-year old women have also been 12-year old girls, and the impression I got from grown-up, stable, job & house & boyfriend female friends who got into Twilight is that it channels the creepy obsessive side of being a teenage girl with a crush really well.

I quite like Boyfriend by Biebs because I can't work out if it's
intentionally being creepy and stalkerish and it's basically a rip of
Neptunes-era Justin Timberlake. It is a fun song.

Coming in to the thread way too late, but in case anyone's still reading, what did this episode do that wasn't done in way more forensic detail in Venture Bros?

A Kickpuncher movie featuring none of the cast of Community.

I picked up Charles Cross' Cobain bio in a kindle sale recently. I figured it'd only be worth a buck since Azerrad's Come as You Are bio was like holy writ to me as a kid, but man it covers a lot of different ground. It functions as a debunking of a lot of Azerrad's print the legend hagiography.

I haven't read the Comics Curmudgeon commentary for Funky, but Comic Alliance does a pretty great monthly write-up of that and Crankshaft as well.

Ugh, I hate that strip. I am a total prig about people trying to be edgy with Calvin & Hobbes.

I think the reason HipsterDBag's comment got such outraged incredulity was that he was asking people to say exactly how R.E.M. was as good as The Offspring or 311. It was like a doorway into another world.

I quite like it on the Unplugged recording. Turns out the lack of awkward rapping and the addition of bongos was the fix!