
Completely agree. Thought season one was amazing, loved season two, still saw the charm in season three, and switch S4 off after two episodes because I couldn't deal with the Nate/Brenda stuff anymore.

It definitely came out of a tailspin in that there were a few seasons where it was just egregiously horrible, and it pulled out of that into at least a more consistent level of watchability. I haven't checked in on it for a while now, but it seemed to have corrected from its absolute nadir.

I find it so weird that Chaos Theory is the unifier. I burned through all three seasons last summer, then went through the recaps on here, and was absolutely mystified that Chaos Theory was so well-liked. And it got all those award nominations, and is held up as one of the show's greatest achievements. Just cannot see

I had completely forgotten about Safari until you mentioned it. That was one of my first big Napster/Audiogalaxy hunts, since you couldn't buy it anywhere.

I love it, but it's one of the key albums that soundtracked falling properly head over heels in love as a teenager, so I'm probably not qualified to comment.

Love that.

These are great, thanks for sharing. I'm enjoying this AVQ&A, even if most of the actual post is "poetry sucks but I liked that one from that movie"

Lovely, I'd actually never read that poem, other than the 'widening gyre' bit. Need to read more Yeats.

@avclub-c701a997d9bef627835b036efb4eca63:disqus And he loves that lady right.

A man never abandons an argument on a Sonic the Hedgehog fanpage. A man sips Mountain Dew from a chilled glass. A man brushes the cheetos from his neckbeard with a monogrammed handkerchief that reads #YOLO.

"A man knows how to lose an afternoon. Drinking, playing Grand Theft Auto, driving aimlessly, shooting pool."Wow, that angry loner I know is quite the man!

Lazarus is probably my favourite Nick Cave album in at least a decade, and part of the joy of it is that there are lots of songs which have Ellis' stamp all over them that have no sad violin at all. Night of the Lotus Eaters, etc.

@avclub-2a6ac9e5324952e36b40237cf2fcdad8:disqus That is his wife, who works as a model. The way Cave tells it, he walked in on her while she was dressing for a shoot, and the photographer just snapped the pic without warning them.

The "missing Bad Seeds" thing seems like a little disingenuous, since Mick Harvey wasn't exactly in the driver's seat for Lazarus either.

I think that would probably go over fine here if he had decent/funny reasons for disliking that rap song in particular. If he's complaining about rap in general, with the hippin' and the hoppin' and the bippin' and the boppin', then it's less "here's a song I hate", and more "older guy talks about how he doesn't get

I ended up at a club playing mostly old indie music on the weekend, so was being pretty generous with what counted as a good song, but it did bring home to me that Are You Gonna Be My Girl? and Molly's Chambers by Kings of Leon are two of the worst songs, not just of the early aughts, but of all time.

Charli XCX is pretty good, although I guess she's more electro. UK dance-tinged music always seems to be more interesting and progressive than UK guitar music.

They do need work. I bought Halcyon Digest, and didn't see anything to like on the first play. If I hadn't bought the actual cd, I probably would have left it there. Now it's one of my favourite albums of 2010. It needs three of four plays before it starts to work.

@avclub-33b9c7c18ec3acc3747c41e70e9bb3d6:disqus It's arguably a spoiler for the question "is the new Community any good or not?", which has been the main item of discussion for the last 9 months or so.

@avclub-7aefa9e2af18cd9e2fde628a5e813aa5:disqus I'm not usually this precious about it, but it's easy to come in to the first episode by a new showrunner looking for the negative, and I'd been hoping to avoid any opinions until I'd actually seen it.