
I thought the site didn't put up reviews before shows aired to avoid spoiling it for people?

Although that said, the last episode I saw was legitimately appalling -

I feel like it deserves some defence in that Sorkin's actually trying. It feels like a quality drama, just a quality drama that happens to be terrible.

Man, I'm watching studio 60 right now and I sort of like it. It's sort of like The Room in that it's massively flawed, but in a really personal way.

It's weird, I appreciate Darjeeling isn't the best Wes Anderson movie, not by a mile, but I do like it a lot, and place it higher in my Wes rankings than it maybe deserves. Maybe I'm just a sucker for stuff set in India.

Yeah, this combination would never have occurred to me, but it seems like it could be pretty great. I guess it's got those elements of childhood wonderment and vaguely supernatural things that could also just be a child's imagination and stuff.

I think the last track is incredibly interesting. It's such a mix of stuff, and I can't really work out how he's managed to make it work. The haze of guitars, the jungle beat buried underneath it, the… what is that, a string section? A horn section? The much louder bit that comes in on occasion. It's an astounding


I yell "THE DUDE OWNS PROPERTY!" too much now.

I wish there was a collected Achewood mega-anthology. It's great having it as a webcomic, but I'd treasure that almost as much as my huge collected Calvin & Hobbes set.

That… is one exhaustive old-timey takedown.

That does sound pretty great, is it archived anywhere?

Those movies do have the same kind of feel. It's this grimy, tone-deaf exploitativeness. They're all slightly post-modern too, and believe that they're being much cleverer than they are. Lucky Number Slevin's like some terrible bizarro world version of Pulp Fiction where not one line lands the way it's supposed to.

I have got a soft spot for brain-dead action movies. I guess the reason egregious examples of the form get me so much is that you grade action movies on an incredibly generous curve in the first place, so when I see a genuinely appalling iteration, I wonder what the hell happened.

I have got a soft spot for brain-dead action movies. I guess the reason egregious examples of the form get me so much is that you grade action movies on an incredibly generous curve in the first place, so when I see a genuinely appalling iteration, I wonder what the hell happened.

I think the hate review is a definite artform, and it's fair enough if the thing being discussed is just irredeemable. What was he going to say about the place, really? "wings covered in inedible sauce, watered-down soda, waiter tried to knife me"

He's also a novelist who has written books about poetry and classical music though, so if nothing else he's got a pretty decent grounding in those subjects.

There is this very specific kind of tacky badness that is worse than mediocrity, or laziness. That sinking feeling in the first ten minutes of a movie when you realise it's not going to be just a regular mediocre movie, but is actually going to be a really unpleasant couple of hours.

See, I wonder if it would have if the internet had been where it is now at the time. It was a great show though, I bought the movie recently out of nostalgia, and it's pretty great still.

There is no beloved animated series that couldn't be improved with dead-eyed CGI.