Kathleen Turner Overdrive

I agree with Crumbum. I thought I was the only one who thought the movie was boring and pointless.

The Buzz
Funny thing about that crappy alt-rock station in Houston is that their playlist hasn't changed since the mid-90's, so it's still exactly the same as Kyle remembers it.

You can find most of their tests and experiments on OkCupid.com now. Still hilarious!

"Anoop! Anoop! Anoop is on fire!"

Damn you, Hulu!!!
Hulu.com inexplicably skips from Season 2, Ep. 4 to Ep. 8! Why, Hulu? Why??

JC's soft, smooth skin
Did I hear Ryan make a comment about Jason's good skin when he asked Paula to say something good about his performance? Or did I wish it happened?

I actually thought the bridge in Forever in Blue Jeans was kinda hot.

I eff-ing LOVE Neil Diamond!
I think for the same weird ways as you do, Noel. Although now I'm even coming around to his '80s ballads. Maybe because I'm nostalgic and wish I were riding around in the backseat of my mom's Taurus again?

Seacrest OUT!
Did anybody else find Seacrest's reaction to his parents odd? I mean, if they still live in "the ATL," he probably doesn't see them all that often, right? And then he greets them like business associates?? Bizarro.

Celebrity Circus
It sounds like NBC is talking this up like it's new. Don't they remember CBS doing this in the 80s? I'll never forget how my little heart leaped when I saw Mario Lopez on the trapeze in that crotch-hugging unitard.

Texas is a weird place (especially Austin & Houston), but for different reasons than you think.

Being a Texan
I have to say that I'm sick of seeing AI showing longhorns every time they come here! They make it seem like they run free around here! The only time I've ever seen one is at the zoo.

Heh. I think this was actually Simon's fault. Did anybody else notice that he said yes to people that were clearly bad? I think he did it thinking that Randy & Paula would both say no (since they always agree). Sort of a social experiment, if you will.

Team Fierce
Can anybody tell me why Chris wasn't the team leader? Obviously this costume-y stuff is his forte. Help me. Help me understand.

If she were Columbo
I'd Peter Falk her!

My cousin
Loves VeggieTales. She's 19.

I like this comment better.

Oh, My!
Ray Liotta as the sorcerer? Burt Reynolds as the king?? This sounds even more so-bad-its-good than I had ever dreamed! I will be seeing it this weekend.

Oh, My!
Burt Reynolds as the king? Ray Liotta as the sorcerer?? This sounds even more so-bad-its-good than I could have dreamed!!

Robert Wagner
I love how his comments (at least the ones mentioned here) make it seem as though he hasn't just not seen the movie, but that he never even read the script beyond his own scenes.