That strikes me as unlikely.
That strikes me as unlikely.
Well, it's not like not watching TV is hard.
You should also play Hitman while you're at it.
I really enjoyed not watching any of this.
I basically only know of it from advertising at Comic-Con.
I wasn't, but good to know.
I was hoping for some recognition for one of the many comments on Patrick's Mega Man article from people baffled and disgusted at the notion that a Gameological writer would write a piece examining the philosophical underpinnings of a video game.
I think you've got a stray character or two in the Captain Internet link. Otherwise, fine work as always.
The silver lining to Springfield's chronic mob mentality is their willingness to instantly join in on spontaneous musical numbers.
Yes sir, there's nothin' on Earth like a genuine, bonafide, electrified six-car monorail!
Hey now, that does look pretty nifty. And one hell of a grab-bag of DC characters, to boot! Color me intrigued.
Eh, Rogue Legacy's the only game I've ever really had control trouble with, so I don't think it's necessary.
Are you 100% sure you're playing Pokemon and not just wandering around attacking animals?
This Week In Steam Backlog Roulette: I gave Rogue Legacy a whirl, but put it back down after a couple of sessions. I was never going to get any better than adequate with the keyboard controls, and with a platformer that's a death sentence. I knew I'd never reach the point of taking on a boss, so better to cut my…
Well, you don't have to use it for anything.
They're the ones actually paying the price, and hand-drawn animation ain't cheap. It could have been much worse.
Hey, we're lucky Nick said yes to this at all. Slight model changes and digital animation seem like a small price to pay.
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[Don't patronize me!]