Not spinoffs exactly, but the most recent iteration ditched the Survivor setup for an Amazing Race parody with a new (and bland) host. Same basic idea, though: diverse stereotypes compete and get comically injured.
Not spinoffs exactly, but the most recent iteration ditched the Survivor setup for an Amazing Race parody with a new (and bland) host. Same basic idea, though: diverse stereotypes compete and get comically injured.
Mine is the Total Drama cartoon franchise. It's the dumbest thing in the world, but it's so strangely fascinating. Plus, deliciously Canadian.
You're going to dedicate your precious leisure time to those vulgar pamphlets of horrors for the labouring classes? For shame, Madam!
I'm going to watch Season 2 of Daredevil and maybe start playing video games again, which I've put off of late due to my evenings being gobbled up by work and/or TV.
Jacob Lew better watch his ass.
Comics and lots of 'em! I read the first trade of the Waid/Staples Archie revamp, and am happy to report that it was funny, and even moving sometimes! Who'd have thunk it? I just finished the third volume of the original Thunderbolts, and am now in the midst of The Batman Adventures V. 4. Fun, cartoony stuff. Next up…
I made a slight bit of progress on one comics script, but I have no idea when I'll be able to do more. Curse this mad whirlwind existence of mine!
My parents are coming to visit me for the weekend! We shall have jolly times, and hugs, and eat vast quantities of food. We also plan to go see Civil War together, so I'll probably have to brief them on who all these people are and why they're a-fussin' and a-feudin'. Look at me, I'm Superhero Ken Burns!
My roommate and I are nearing readiness for an exterminator to come in and rid us of the bedbugs that have recently bedeviled me (and not her, for some inexplicable but welcome reason), but we're going to have to seal almost all our possessions in plastic bags and run every cloth good we own through the dryer first.…
Um… can it be the one from Sandman?
Wait, so it's not about Kevin James dying and being repeatedly reincarnated in the forms of various comically incongruous individuals? What a rip-off.
Randolph Scott?!
Buffy the Vampire Slayer sat in my Netflix streaming queue for the longest time, waiting for me to get over my instinctive aversion to vampire-related entertainment. It was worth the wait.
So they're finally tearing off the Band-Aid, eh? Good.
Hell's Kitchen followed by The Exorcist is a hilarious pairing of titles. That is all.
As long as there's still a long digression about the delights of farting, I'm happy.
Preferably Scooby-Doo: Mystery Inc. Preferably not Scooby Apocalypse.
Space blessings upon the anniversary of your expulsion from the womb!
We've moved on to Twin Peak TV, in which shows are periodically murdered by BOB.
Their advertisers, who base their purchases and prices for ad time on ratings?