
So could this whole tranny things be just a big goof?
And to Evil Abraham Lincoln, no need for shitstorm, you proved your point beyond any doubt. We salute you.

The only way he can top borat is by
filming a full on double penetration scene with daxflame and kanye west set to german techno legend scooter.

To start with Friedkin I would recomend..
To Live and Die in LA. It still holds up after all these years, and the car chase scene is the best I've ever seen(even better than the video game of a chase scene in the matrix reloads)

when are we going to get hackers
fucking lack of revision feature.

To live and Die in LA was pretty good
It would be great to see a log cabin republican version that was set in airport bathrooms. The combo of the supernatural intensity of The Ring combined with hands moving under the toilet dividers, that would rock. And music by The Pet Shop Boys.

GHOST DAD directer by sidney portier

Sorry about this but I need to get this of my chest.

Short Circuit 2: The ET ripoff takes on New York

Hey hey hey.
Another suggestion for a future MYOF feature.
this movie viciously rapes your brain with maudlin new age crap, plus the director personally felt me up.
The Frankenstein movie from 1994 with robert deniro.

Either thats an insult from someone who didn't get it, or a secret compliment to the game's storytelling ability.

hey lazlo
well you closed the chapter on the validity of freddy got fingered, good for you.
Now why don't you jerk of on yourself and lick it up, it's the equivalent of whatever you wrote here.

Kansas is a moron, plain and simple
Maybe he's just an eloquent troll, lulzing all over the place as he writes it, but reflecting your hypocrisy doesn't excuse it, in fact it just weakens whatever position you want to take. Sure this forums suffers from the curse of the commons, but you can still look through the

hey voice of treason did you actually read the collumn before posting your turd of an opinion

Just some advice regarding procuring movies.
For the past couple of years the movie renthouses and stores have been disappearing left and right, here in brooklyn we have a nice sized mall that has everything from hallmark to ghettowear, but no music or movies. And blockbusters have been closing and offering less of a

fucking time doesn't stand still when you write.

Why do all these novel covers have ass shots? Is it a trend in mainstream fiction?

Regarding Melbourne and the Tron debate
The Band:
Midnight Oil

Regarding Melbourne
Melbourne used to be the hacking capital back in the eighties. The most famous incident was when an aussie kid hacked into NASA and ran a script that made it look like he was deleting all their work. Scared a lot of people shitless, and the kid quotes some stupid band that only a loner aussie

Thank you sir for introducing Wintermute
I have dedicated my life to making Wintermute a reality. One day the world will bow down to it's digital master, and all thanks to you.

I'm suprized at the omision of The Puppet Master
from Ghost In The Shell.