
you didn't add
The man with two brains

I have to see this movie now, and how was the series, anyone know?
I think lobsters is just a daxflame type troll, he doesn't seem to be a real person, just an act to anger up the blood here, or someone hijacked his name to make steve martin's comment even more resonant.

The writer of this blog is a monster of a human being!
That is because he didn't mention that Jenna Fischer fractured her spine in four places back in may.(At a party with The Office cast, I know there is a bad The Office joke here, but I will let lesser human beings do the honors)

it's ok, he could use a writing class or two.
He's a little bit unengaging, but it was ok non the less.

Wait Wait it just hit me!
Godfather III
Shouldn't that be a contender for one of the biggest bombs ever, especially after Godfather II was better than one.

damn this zodiac mess, seriously people stop paying attention to that mess and eventualy it will go away.
And regarding this mess of a movie, if anyone remembers that on the eve of get rich or die trying coming out fifty was being groomed as franchise, no real artistic integrity, just image. Much like his music and

I'm suprised no one mentions
Robocop 3
the story behind robocop 2 and 3 is interesting enough, it's not only one of the most horrible ways to kill a franchise but is such a mess overall.

The Abyss?

to geo anolingus
You don't impress anyone, your writing is masturbatory in it's nature, you provide no interesting insights, what are you trying to do, to find someone who likes your drivel. It seams your topic only interests you, probably that theme runs in your life.

Is she about to fart?

Is Crash a middlebrow movie, and is then Crash(1996) a highbrow one?

All I wish for is for Zack Snyder to
Use the Sam Hamm screenplay, it's much more manageable and more movielike. And is it just me or are the characters in their early forties in the book, with most of their adventures behind them.

I don't wanna shill for his method, but you can always torrent it.

Thank you adrogenous golem
Just trying to show something for the unwashed masses, making fun of mystery sure is fun, but the weird thing is that like a hacker, he knows how to push certain buttons, and he is willing to teach other to do the same(for a price of course)
while making fun and pointing out the benefits of

to da golem
You infer and assume too much about me and people in general, I would love to rip you a new one, but your lack of social skills will probably do that for you. I'm happy in a relationship, so this seduction stuff isn't for me anymore. Most of the people involved in this are personality deficient former

shaped, not shapes. Stupid valium and speed combo doesn't help.

Well you insulted me, so why not be a dick, my point was that some people as unreasonable as it sounds have tendencies that seem masochistic, a good majority actually. Very few people admit it, but it's underneath a lot of things. Films like Blue Velvet seems to get it. The real scary part is that the world

thats not what it's about, and you will
continue not getting laid, so thank you lord for not letting this man's seed pass on.

To Inevitable
Fucking read my post and think you moron before you deside to critique, this man just espouses mating strategies that actually work, just like women who get together in the bathroom and discuss their strategies, and make themselves prettier. Just like you would take care of yourself in terms of working

I don't normally post on the hater, but this is ridiculous.
For one everyone makes fun of method at first. I've been friends with a bunch of seduction artists. So I sort of have a more educated opinion on this as opposed to just hating for no real reason. First the thing actually works, this system is basically a