
I have to say.
Anyone who uses the words phah-leeze is going to have my undivided attention. It's like a pavlov's dog response with me, as soon as I start seeing the hand waving motions followed by that word that I focus like a lazer on that person, staring at them while waiting for the voice of god to come out their

What about just totally uneven movies(not necessary total disasters, but interesting and really unexplored territory)
Bullet(1996), Highlander, Robocop 2, Showgirls, Manhunter, Francis Ford Coppola's Bram Stoker's Dracula, Frankenstein(1994)

Wow this just destroyed a part of my childhood.
Thank you av club. If there is ever a reason to exist this is it.

I think.. Without a paddle is a friendship breaker.
I remember a friends who is somewhat intelligent took me over someone's house and we all ended up watching Without a Paddle while getting high. Once I seen that he was actualy enjoying that movie in that unpologetical I like dumb movies way. I couldn't continue being

so conan is lord kalidor in this movie, and was that kid beating a man with a femur? No , really that just doesn't make any sense.