
Obviously one doesn't understand when someone mocks
a self deluded persona. so eye rolling aside read before you post, otherwise you're come off as ignorant and angry.

What about stuff that might appear offensive, but is actually life affirming.
I for example have a history of being agressive and paranoid(in a charming way though) So sometimes I might go over the edge with calling someone on a familial death being fake or just threatening their safety, so how much anti-social

Funny is you consider Disney's ragin anti-semetism

depends on what I'm looking for.
I also got like several hundred books on computers and hacking and linux and IT. All in pdf format(so much easier to digest with palmtop on your way to work than actual books). My comment is NOT to wag my dick that I can understand computers, just that the game would include something

it's all about scaning servers and "cracking" them
This game should be called script kiddie evolution and not hacker evolution.
It's basically a puzzle game with hacker terms as opposed to a real hacking sim. It's nice, but I prefer passive scanning and packet injecting to this scanning crap.

So wait, Jason Bateman plays the comic relief?
No really is that true?
And can someone tell me what the spoiler is, I'm not a fan of any of people involved(besides the bateman)

got HE confused with Cryptonomicon. Still my point stands

Actually this is great.
I always fantasized about being locked up and after getting my hands on a laptop to hack into freedom and power. So it's great that someone made a fantasy of my game, now if only there was a game where I could sleep with great women in history everything would be peaches.

Shit how real is it in simulating hacking
do you actually scan networks and hosts for vulnerabilities and then use a particular script to exploit the exploit? Or is this more like a magical sim where you have a universal decompiler that decompiles everything into normal everyday english.

U ball had nothing to do with Resident Evil
The first one was directed by Wes Anderson and the other two by the guy who did the first Highlander. Frankly The Royal Tenenbaums was much better than resident evil or alien vs predator.

He looks like a drunk in the picture.
And he's pretty clueless for someone with a phd. As for his movies not hitting the mark with audiences that bathes, well sucks to be him. A b-movie director with a psychotic confrontational streak. And I love his defense of "he doesn't know what a shooting schedule is." Truly a

Crash was a strange film
Why would people crash into each other and lick the resulting wounds in a sexual fashion. And maybe I'm old fashioned but how's that not supporting the troops. I would think the best way to show your support is to imitate them and get sexual satisfaction out of it, I mean if we can't then the

Or a hundred in my case

to Kark Marx
Yea OK. I have to admit I acted completelly sociopathically, but I did apologize if I got it wrong, I had a lot of people claim shit to bolster themselves.(no really, one claimed to have been raped and because of that she couldn't have children. And turns out she lied just for kicks.) While I won't claim

Even have not even has. a typo in the end of the rant

I'm actually a huge fan of Macross. The First part of robotech. Does anyone here even consult wikipedia when it comes to posting shit like this. For one thing Robotech(the macross part anyway) has a lot of prestige, much more so than any other cartoon from the eighties. This was the first anime experience for

thats not actually my point, but your comment just illustrates my point more.
Most people who criticize this flick smacks of self indulgence more than anything, to which this movie is the anti-thesis. The movie is about things that push you away from that direction.

OK karl marx
So how was it silly? overly stylish, yes, but silly?
Thats my point, people who criticize this flick for the most part don't identify with the themes involved(well not yet anyway, but someday, hopefully they will)
Even if the directors take on it doesn't agree with you, he makes some valid points, the best


Reading the comments section makes me wonder about the age of the readership of this site
This movie is actually quite good, while aronofsky has issues with too much style he still gets across a powerful realization. He himself claimed to have written this movie back when his parents were diagnosed with something