
They were, which is why I now just laugh and carry on with my day whenever something as silly as this pops up. Before that episode, I was starting to worry whether my eyes were going to get stuck mid-roll.

I have a really hard time not thinking of the Male Men from Parks & Rec whenever I have the misfortune of coming across some MRA non-issue issue.

The Chrono Cross soundtrack. Whether I'm feeling up or down, excited or exhausted, I always have the Chrono Cross soundtrack nearby.

"Can you believe this!?"
"I know, isn't it great? We all get our own free white guys!"

The only Sega movie I'm interested in watching is one based on Segata Sanshiro. Ideally one made on roughly the same budget as the commercials.

As a Bills fan, suffering a heart attack while furiously shoveling 500,000 tons of snow just so that the Bills and Jets can finish with a 13-12 score in a meaningless game has always been the way I thought I'd go out.

Cris Collinsworth looks like a King of the Hill character that somehow escaped into real life.

The only time I've ever felt like overt product placement benefited a production's experience was Nintendo's Pikmin 2. And that was largely because the setting heavily hinted at it being post-humanity Earth, and poked fun at the silly vanities of the modern world, which helped to realize the desolation and desperation


Oh boy, Picross. Puzzle games rarely manage to get their hooks into me, but I got the puzzle bug real bad with Picross DS.

I started up my copy of Yakuza 3 yesterday, so I expect that's what I'll be playing this weekend and beyond.

The idea of watching two straight hours of CBS when they aren't broadcasting sports is foreign to me, but a Stephen Colbert and Craig Ferguson late night combo sounds too appealing for me to pass up. Well, assuming Ferguson doesn't just walk away after his current deal is up, that is.

Of all the many frustrating output stoppages in gaming, be it of various series or from creators themselves, I can't think of anything more disappointing than Fumito Ueda and Team ICO's inability to finish The Last Guardian.

In Zero Escape 3's case, it's doesn't appear to be a case of Kotaro Uchikoshi putting it off of his own volition. The first two games apparently haven't sold well enough in Japan for a third entry to get funded, and Uchikoshi seems genuinely apologetic to fans and frustrated that he can't wrap up the trilogy.

I'm hoping for more "casually & pleasantly mentioning all of the weird and/or horribly depressing things that have happened in his personal life" Scully in season two, and less "my whole foot is a wart" Scully.

I finally upgraded to nex… err, last-gen a few days ago and bought a PS3, and while I'm very excited to finally have both The Last of Us and Yakuza 3 in my collection, Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch and Castlevania: Symphony of the Night are the games that have been eating up the vast majority of my time so far.

Tutorials are definitely the true villains of the otherwise fun and silly Mario & Luigi games. Bowser and Fawful are at least good for a few laughs, and don't halt the entire experience to a complete stop in order to painstakingly explain every new, fairly straightforward gameplay mechanic that the games give you

I often find myself willing to roll with ridiculous, if occasionally stupid, premises, and The Dark Knight Rises was filled with a lot of pretty ridiculous things, but 50-year old Hines Ward inexplicably out-running an entire special teams unit was just asking too much of me.

Booing is basically all I have whenever the Bills play. Without it, my activities during their games are reduced to "drinking" and/or "crying".

"Les! Are you okay?"