
Holt keeps his sandwiches in a safe.

There was "Operation Ann" back in season 4, where Ron helps Ben with a scavenger hunt/series of riddles based on Ben & Leslie's relationship on Valentine's Day. Andy was involved too, in some capacity.

"if it's a dark comedy, the Buffalo Bills."
*sadly nods head, goes to sit in a dark room and then stares at nothing in particular for 12 hours*

Less than a week until Parks and Rec comes back and I get to smile for the first time in months.

Sounds like my kind of crazy.

Accidents happen all the time, what makes you think it was mmuurrrduurrr?

I think I'd like to take custody of Roseanne the TV show away from Roseanne the person.

I used to think of Makoto Shinkai as another incredibly worthy contender for the "next Hayao Miyazaki" title and I've often seen others compare him to Miyazaki as well, but the more I think about it, the more I think that that label is misleading. Given the more personal, inwardly-focused and melancholy nature of his

Uh oh, Batman's crying.

Oh hey, the entire male cast of Modern Family (except, apparently, the criminally under-used Nolan Gould) was nominated over Nick Offerman again, for some reason!

This news is the opposite of Batman.

There've probably been a few episodes of television over the years that have made me laugh harder than "A-Firefighting We Will Go" (I damn near peed myself the first time I watched this one) and "Goodbye Normal Jeans", but I can't think of any off the top of my head.

And thus concludes a 12-year long stretch in which I blissfully forgot Aaron Carter was ever a thing.

I just can't help loving silly gags like this:

I'd like to imagine that Talisa's stabbing shut even the smuggest of book readers up in front of their newbie friends.

Chiwetel Ejiofor would be a fantastic choice, in my mind. Richard Ayoade comes to mind as an interesting option too, though I'd imagine he'd play the role very differently than either Elba or Ejiofor would.

Idris Elba would definitely be my first choice, but I'd also love to see what an older actor like a Jim Broadbent or a Bill Nighy could bring to the role.

Cool. Cool cool cool.

Buster must be more of a Milford man than ever, because I'm eight episodes into season 4 and I've barely seen him.