I'm glad that terminally unfunny dorks have a forum to compare Donald Trump to fucking Voldemort a few times each morning.
I'm glad that terminally unfunny dorks have a forum to compare Donald Trump to fucking Voldemort a few times each morning.
Because I can see the articles even if I don't comment on them. And because this website was way better before it was just jerking off late night hosts for taking the easiest possible stances on whatever gaffe Trump made.
lol, my last comment here was about a year ago according to Disqus.
I really love the daily articles about what hard stance Seth Meyers and Colbert took against Donald Trump each preceding weeknight.
As bad as the comments section on this website is 100% of the time, you've managed to somehow set a new standard. Awful take.
Wow, very interesting.
Damn, already full?
No, that's a different video. Still, I agree.
Check out Have One On Me. Can be daunting (triple album!) but there's some terrific stuff on there, including the title track.
Yeah, Oswalt is just about insufferable when it comes to this sort of thing.
Yeah, what the hell was that about?
Joanna Newsom
Shut up.
Had this experience with The Breakfast Club. I remember thinking it was really cool that John Bender basically opened his mouth and a guitar riff came out in that one scene after the principal goes in on him in front of everybody. In the unedited version he yells "FUCK YOU!" which was considerably less cool.
A habit that's been established because they did it once at the end of season two and once at the end of the just-finished season four?
It looks great. Ignore the gross old shitheads who complain about it since these are the same people who ruin every single comment thread with ironic puns.
Burr is awful.
Love this album. Might not reach the heights of self-titled, but it's excellent.
1) None of the comments here are funny 2) This is a great album.