Oh, I know. That's my favorite bit from any Sigur Ros song.
Oh, I know. That's my favorite bit from any Sigur Ros song.
Who gives a shit about that?
Who gives a shit about that?
If he was as capable as Dexter and he really wanted him dead he'd shoot him in the face with a gun in one of their many stupid encounters. Dexter kills or abducts people in broad daylight fairly often, so there's no reason Isaak couldn't have done the same (especially given Dexter's penchant for stalking Isaak by…
If he was as capable as Dexter and he really wanted him dead he'd shoot him in the face with a gun in one of their many stupid encounters. Dexter kills or abducts people in broad daylight fairly often, so there's no reason Isaak couldn't have done the same (especially given Dexter's penchant for stalking Isaak by…
If he was as capable as Dexter and he really wanted him dead he'd shoot him in the face with a gun in one of their many stupid encounters. Dexter kills or abducts people in broad daylight fairly often, so there's no reason Isaak couldn't have done the same (especially given Dexter's penchant for stalking Isaak by…
Why is everybody pretending Isaak was a great character? Good performance, but he was a boring character on a show full of boring characters. The show is no better or worse without him.
Why is everybody pretending Isaak was a great character? Good performance, but he was a boring character on a show full of boring characters. The show is no better or worse without him.
I thought this was the best episode of the season. Every single episode of this show should take place during a storm with the power flickering on and off.
I thought this was the best episode of the season. Every single episode of this show should take place during a storm with the power flickering on and off.
The interrogation scene was one of the worst things I've ever seen. So horrible and corny. Is it really that easy?
The interrogation scene was one of the worst things I've ever seen. So horrible and corny. Is it really that easy?
Horrible episode. There's not a single interesting character left on this show.
Horrible episode. There's not a single interesting character left on this show.
Oh shit!
Yep, I'm sure of it! That pounding music, that glove, that threatening hotel ad (or whatever) in Linden's apartment. It's him for sure!
He was old. And regardless of how old he wasn't (or, in this case, absolutely was), if he was savvy enough to know his IP address on sight then why wasn't he smart enough to protect his WiFi? And why is the intern apparently wealthy from developing video games ("People love their games — there's a lot of money in it")…
Just to pile on, the intern character is horrible and
everybody on this show is retarded. The killer is updating a public blog, and
intern guy says he can try to “unscramble the internet protocol address.” First
of all, nobody has ever called it an “internet protocol address.” This reeks of
writers in a room going to…
@texas chainsaw mascara — I saw the Netflix streaming version and it most definitely had "Hit back harder than you dare" in it.