
It's the other way around, Bell and Sebastian took the name of the album from the band. At least according to wikipedia.

I like Del Amitri
Scottish music is excellent, and I want to try a Scotch Egg at some point in my life.

Stephen Root/Gary Cole - Buddy Comedy.

Stephen Root!!!
So excited to see his face in the preview for next week.

Mazel tov! Please give Mindy hugs from all of us when she is in need of one.

David and Bob are going to do a comedy tour when Bob's kids get a little older. I think they are in the 8ish range, so he is waiting until they are teenagers and hate him anyways I think.

Hell yes, he should be Raylan's uncle or something. Maybe his mom's brother that comes into town for revenge against his dad or something.


History Channel's Budget?
With this and the Top Gear USA thing, you'd have to believe that History came into some money somehow because none of this shit is cheap, especially compared to something like Modern Marvels.

It's probably for the best.
I just hope they have the balls to end the show then instead of letting it drag on forever.

I would have put Hoyt on the poster in lieu of Pam, but maybe he won't be in the picture much this season?

Charles Charles
Anyone else think about Lonely Tourist Charlotte Charles and her father Charles Charles from the less than popular but good television show "Pushing Daisies"??

I am sure that I wasn't the only one who also enjoyed seeing Sarah at the end of the show in normal person pajamas.

Chiming in.
I agree with the peanut gallery that this is at least a B+ episode.

Leave us alone. It's not our fault there is a lot of stock footage of our city.

This will crush Marc Maron
He is a sensitive soul.

@Purga-potty it would be pretty great if they could get something together soon, but it won't be by next season. Bob and Dave are tied up but since Community is doing well maybe Harmon has the power to get another show on, or just include them on Community.

This episode being so strong and having such a great ending really made me sort of sad. I had a feeling from the beginning that this show wouldn't be around for even 5 seasons, but I really enjoyed the three that we got.

Nabin's New Project?
Between the Brittney Spears stuff in the "NOW" series and the focus on Lohan in this feature, it seems like Rabin is all about the entertainment industry chewing up and spitting out pretty young things.

GK is certainly a cutie, and I think no matter what they call her in the office, we should really start referring to her by her ZMF approved moniker "Hotski".