
Height Difference
I have a feeling that Kristen Johnston was hired specifically to tower over Patton and Broderick and make them feel small and emasculated, because that's funny right?

I think this is a good musical group
But every photo of them makes me angry. Honestly, I have to swallow all my hipster hating bile down deep to listen to what is at the very least enjoyable music.

May death come swiftly to his enemies.

Benson vs Cross SMACKDOWN
The difference is simple, Doug is the stoner comedian because a lot of his material is specifically about pot. Cross' material might involve pot as part of the joke, but pot isn't going to take center stage as often. Cross also talks about other deplorable and enjoyable chemicals. The

Better to watch with someone
I think that is the best way to watch these types of shows and this is the best of the awkward comedy that I have seen, period. I burned through this on DVD with about 4 other people and it was a great little collective experience. You knew where to laugh and it was okay if you were the

Jailtime for the Older Criminal?
I was watching this with a lawyer friend and he was totally perplexed as to why the getaway driver screwing up and killing himself in a car accident during the getaway pursuit would add to the prison time of the other guy? Any ideas?

He needs to stop impregnating his lady so she can get her cute freckled face back on the story boxes and then she can chip into this project.

How much genital mutilation does she generally do in her live shows?

Ugh, they completely fucked up "Mysteries of Pittsburgh" and now this! "Screwed"! "Zach and Miri"! We don't want to be known as the town to go make a shitty movie it.

Fun fact - Joel McHale was a tight end on the University of Washington football team. He clearly hasn't much of that athleticism, but please, feel free to make whatever "tight end" jokes you like.

I know you don't care
But that is a every rare and expensive car on par with the one Conan dressed like a mouse which makes it even more of "fuck you".

Everyone gave them a hard time
for writing shitty one dimensional female characters and this is what happens. We should have just laughed and had a good time, but no, we had to be critical and now this movie might suck.

Does this piece of shit
Ever circle back to its title in any way? She would like Valentines Day right? Maybe he doesn't and that explains the title?

Is it just me
Or does this young actor seem to have a 4 foot long left arm in the photo above? CGI screw up?

@pheidias @fbihop Can't we safely assume that Chuck is getting a relatively nice wage from the government by now?

First, the skirt is short yet somehow seems to start somewhere just below her shoulders. I don't remember Anna's skirt going so high up her body. Again, it looks great, but I don't understand it.

Chuck doesn't exactly keep his tie high and tight, but the loose tie does look pretty great on the already attractive ladies who have worn it on Chuck.

I am not much of a history nerd
But why did they call it the "Mask of Alexander", when it was clearly meant to be the Mask of Agamemnon?

Experts in the Field
Jessica Walter is obviously the finest, and most experienced fucked up over bearing mother working in entertainment today and H. Jon is one of the best blowhards to ever walk the planet. I think it doesn't get old just because they are so great at it.