
Well Luis, I've enjoyed the conversation. I would say that, in the end, Rick has become like Shane? It's all about surviving and judgement calls. I tend to agree more with Shane and Carol's early judgement calls, but now Rick is onboard. It just took him a really long time to get it. Desperate times call for

Seriously? Shane would've helped her and high-fived her afterwards, but there's no arguing with Rick fans.

Could've lived, could've died and turned and threatened them all. Judgement call. Cop running in the street, could've been a good guy or could've worked to kill them all. Judgement call. Personally, I prefer Key's opinion on "Talking Dead" tonight — in this world, one strike and you're out.

And here we go. Rick sent Carol off to fend for herself. Enough said.

First I must say that I feel vindicated. In the early seasons, I was a Shane supporter which earned me much hatred and even got me banned from a website. Now Rick has basically become Shane and many (certainly not all!) are cool with it.
That being said, Dawn was a better character than many gave her credit for. In

And I feel totally vindicated! Arthur's amazing strategy, which mostly serves to make the show hard to watch at home, didn't work again. It's not a killer strategy, it's just annoying.

Oops, I think I posted this in the wrong place.

And I feel totally vindicated! Arthur's amazing strategy, which mostly serves to make the show hard to watch at home, didn't work again. It's not a killer strategy, it's just annoying.

I hate the trope of the geek girl who sits around criticizing TV on her computer. If she'd kick more ass while wearing a bikini, it'd be a lot less sexist.

Wow, am I really having a discussion with the inestimable Jay S.? I do believe I have the vapors! Anyway, I guess we'll see who wins tomorrow. Personally, I'm ABC — anybody but Chu, lol.

One of the best things about "The Middle" is that Mike and Frankie are such a great couple. They have their problems, they fight, but still, deep down you can tell that they love each other. That is refreshing. In a sitcom world in which most married couples can barely stand each other, it's nice to see that some

But, I'm seeing a lot more players trying to use this strategy now. Usually, it doesn't work and it didn't work for Arthur tonight, now did it? Quick on the buzzer, know the answer wins no matter how you pick the questions.

I was thoroughly confused. A life framed by alcohol, pills, TV, and sleep is somehow a bad thing?! Am I doing it all wrong???

Oh, I should've also said this: thank you Jay S.! The first thing I look for on the internet every day is Jay's recaps. Jay, we may not always agree, but you rock!

Okay, seems like the right time to say this. Arthur's success has nothing to do with his "strategy". He succeeds by being fast on the buzzer and knowing the answers. He would win most times if he just went top down on the categories.
Why does this matter? Well, last I checked this is a TV show and the harder you

I thought this episode was pretty bad. Long, boring, and much of it so dark it could've been on radio. I'd give it a C-. That being said, what does "RWG" mean? Everybody here uses it and I have no clue. Yes, I'm old and I will beat you with my cane.

The line about comedy being mostly liberal because it's about, and I paraphrase, attacking the comfortable and powerful…. really?! Does the reviewer not know any powerful and comfortable liberals? Dennis, meet Hollywood; Hollywood meet Dennis.

You are not alone. It was god-awful.

Thank God we have people like Lucas and Amy to keep women from doing what they choose to do! That is feminism!

I like this show. No, I didn't see the BBC version and don't care. It isn't perfect, but better than its probable replacement which would be some reality crap like "Dancing with the Biggest Loser Who Can Sing and is Pawning Something". Agree that Gemma going to the press with her discovery instead of the police is