
The other person wrote down the words "To be".

Max has definitely named dropped Harvey Milk (correctly) before.

I think Ted specifically said that she wasn't the mother back when he first met her.

I thought the same thing. The Coupling episode also features people meeting over a food table at a party and has very similar wordplay stuff where a person says the same lines to different people in different versions.

Mose doesn't know how to use a phone.

Did the writers forget that Clark was recently a creepy sexual predator? He's not the guy I'd want sitting next to my wife.

Did the writers forget that Clark was recently a creepy sexual predator? He's not the guy I'd want sitting next to my wife.

That's a weird way to say snore.

I was stunned that the proposal was real; I was certain that it would be the last of Max's pranks. It's totally something that Penny would be ready for, but it seems really odd for Pete to be ready for it too.

1. Ted explicitly states that he never would have met the mother if he hadn't gotten the job at Columbia. This leads to him meeting Rachel Bilson, and has nothing to do with Barney, Barney's family or Barney/Robin.

Mindy's inconsistent characterization and Mark Duplass's character were not nearly as awful as Morgan this week. He works when he drops in a weird line or two out of nowhere, but he does not work at all as a part of a main plot. They're making him into a horribly annoying human being who can't be in any situation

The Barney's Sister Theory involved ignoring the first five seasons of the show's mythology. If it ever was their plan then it was an awful one.

The last time Bilson appeared was in one of the episodes framed by Barney's wedding (and I think that was before Barney even had a sister). She was always going to play one more part in things.

It was weird that they never mentioned The 88 by name seeing as there was an entire episode about getting them to play Lily and Marshall's (aborted) wedding.

It was a graduate level econ class. Cindy (Rachel Bilson) was in the class too.

Everytime that they go back to Ted-thinks-Robins-is-the-love-of-his-life, it makes it a little bit harder to believe that he's totally happy with his supposedly perfect marriage to the perfect woman.

Well, he says he never would have met the mother if he hadn't gotten the band to play at the wedding. I think we can assume that he would have bumped into Barney's sister sooner or later.

TJ Miller was on the show as one of the cult guys.

TJ Miller was on the show as one of the cult guys.

This episode seemed to be missing something. Ted's in the final, Ted won the league, Ted posted on the message board, Ted can call the trophy whatever he wants. And then no appearance of Ted.