
This show was a big topic of conversation on the kindergarten playground for me. One kid had most of us convinced that his older brother was actually selected to be a Soldier of the Future for when the war inevitably happened.

I had,and still have, the Game Genie. There were a couple games that I couldn't play without it (the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comes to mind, and this weird one I had called Solstice).

As a resident of Vancouver for the past 8 years it became fun picking out all the shots in movies and tv shows from around where we live. Fringe was especially great for that, and the Deadpool trailer would be the most recent example of "there's my apartment!" freeze framing.

I was 7 when Who Framed Roger Rabbit? came out, and it was practically my favorite movie before I even saw it (a "making of" special heightened my anticipation of the movie AND created a life long interest in movie making). I saw it in the theater and watched it our VHS copy about a thousand times in the next couple

As a grown man with a modest toy collection it's not the toy buying itself that I question, it's the buying of toys for a movie you haven't even seen yet that I can't get behind.

I like how there is a band named The Wonder Years, and also one called Boy Meets World. Are these obscure references to kids these days?

Forgive me if this was discussed elsewhere, but a quick search didn't find anything.

I agree with Sam, I personally think that guns should be very restricted (only for police/military, and if you bitch enough I'll grudgingly agree to single shot rifles for hunters, but nothing else). But I too love me some GTA too. I'm not super conflicted by this though, I can separate my enjoyment of fictional

I appreciate Odd Squad for it's goofiness, and for working in the learning stuff better than some other shows

Several months before Episode III came out, a relative of mine in the kids book industry had a sample box come in that included an adaptation of the movie (one of those books with annoying sound effect buttons on the side). I avoided even looking closely at it, let alone opening it, so as to avoid spoiling it for

Similar to The Thing for me was Deep Star Six. The diver being torn in half on the cover has successfully ensured I will never watch that movie

Same here. Well, not really "more than ever", just the same amount. Unless you count the forced abstinence during the "trying" phase, then yes, way more than then.

I love how all of the problems with the family really don't out weigh how good Homer has it. Marge is drinking below the recommended amount, Lisa could take allergy meds, Maggie just needs to wait until she exceeds that swing's weight limit, and Bart, well Bart could probably benefit from some remedial classes and

While I usually try to avoid ranking Simpsons episodes (an unranked Top 50 is probably the best I can do), when forced to pick a favourite (yes, forced) I have to go with "You Only Move Twice".
As is evidenced by this comment section, it has some of the best and most quotable lines in the show's history. Homer's

This is basically a list of my childhood. I had several General Lees and A-Team vans (they would sometimes race). Golden Girls was what I watched at my grandparents. Endless cartoons like the ones listed along with Rescue Rangers, He-Man, GI Joe, Tail Spin, Darkwing Duck, Tiny Toons etc.
Basically what I'm saying

I enjoyed the fair and balanced approach to the article, it doesn't gloss over the rough spots, but also doesn't give into "Voyager is THE WORST" level complaints.
As a fan of all the series I appreciate reading something as optimistic about the shows as the shows were themselves.

I would be remiss if I didn't add an agreement. I've been a daily reader for almost 8 years (from whenever they used to answer "what is this crazy movie/show/thing I remember but can't find" questions as the Q&A). I may not comment much, but I would never think to tell people how to use the comment space. You

I do like how the trailer for Eaten Alive misspells "chainsaw".

Hey look, it's me! (but not in the actual movie, because that would be terrible).