
I can't quite see Theon Forrest Gumping his way to the Iron Throne, although it might not be as far fetched as it sounds. Especially if GRRM gets his knickers in a twist about fans wanting book 6 some time this century and goes full Reservoir Dogs on his surviving A-Listers.

Oh, please, please, please let that happen.
I would pay cash-money just to hear Jerome Flynn say: "Theon Fucking Greyjoy" after he finds him half dead on some random beach.

My guess (and I totally agree with others here) is that this will set up Theon's Epic Suicide Run and (final) Redemption. What is dead may never die. He'll be pretty much drown and spat up by the sea on some lonely shore to either walk all the way to his final confrontation with Euron after finally coming to grips

Pretty brilliant all around. You get not only Terminator: 1947, but also Archer gets to mine the anachronistic humor of Brando's vintage uniform of rebellion devolving into a Leather Daddy cliche.

Yeah, I'm sticking with Homicidal Art Garfunkel for the nickname

"So, what do you do for a living?"
"I'm the Chairman of the National Sausage Council."
"No, seriously."

So do we know who Cyril's wife is in this universe? Since Lana in a free agent I'm wondering if Mrs.-Figgis-Who-Archer-Nearly-Banged-To-Death is going to be an awesome cameo, or never shown on screen, only talked about like Merris in Frasier.

How in Umber's name did Margo's deliciously blunt quote about needing to rub one out in a hot bath NOT make it into Stray Observations!? That was one of the best female self-pleasuring jokes I've heard on TV.

Nah, I think Todd will manage to consistently dodge the Grim Reaper via dumb luck and cluelessness. Like Buster Keaton standing in just the right spot so that the window of the collapsing wall keeps him from being crushed. (But Todd will have totally *caused* the wall to collapse) He's great comic relief. Besides,

Kinda. Had Poovey been in that scene a 'bearded clam' joke would have totally happened.

Skinny guy in Martian power armor is an honorary jock, apparently.

Not really a spoiler: in the books when they're flush with money from doing jobs for Fred Johnson they do eventually install an "after market" underslung rail gun on the Roci. It literally extended almost the entire length of the ship and required a bit of structural reinforcing. And every time they talk about it or

I'm sorry, is the 5 minute argument or the full half hour?

I did a total double take as Avasarala exited the shuttle. We've only seen her in saris for 2 seasons but she strutted out of that doorway in a figure flattering outfit with the hip sway of a much younger woman. "That's right — my milkshake brings all the mad scientists to the yard. And then I tell them to fuck off."

And then the boss would lift up the guy's fedora and there would be a little pile of sandwiches hidden under it. That would be serious Bugs Bunny territory, but funny as hell.

That scene has me logging more hits on Le Miz videos on YouTube than I'd like to admit. ;-)

Not quite as meta or seamlessly done as Tatiana Maslany's characters trying to impersonate each other with varying degrees of success in Orphan Black, but it was still a great little scene.

Or The Truman Show by way of Narnia

Given time constraints of a TV show I think they've done an alright job of grounding events in Q's continuing love of Alice and how that complicates the 'real world' issue of housing NiffinAlice. Jason Ralph really sells the broken-hearted and confused Q thing as his body literally breaks down from trying to keep

Yeah, I'm pretty sure that when people "transition to a social setting" they don't want to still smell like FryMax and pink slime. Or is this yet another tin-eared, Dickensian pronouncement from McD? We don't need to raise your pay because you can wear our uniforms all the time. See all the money we have saved you on