
Whoa! Yellow Card. (still kinda funny, but…)


After 7 seasons Trexler's cheesy pencil moustache finally pays off!

Yep, Dreamland Mother and Dreamland Archer will be on the cusp of the kiss that will unleash a season's worth of dammed sexual tension and then real world Archer will get zapped out of his coma by set of de-fib paddles souped up by Dr. Krieger to produce what should be lethal levels of voltage.

So if NiffinAlice is trapped in the cacodeamon tattoo, what would happen if she said: "Quentin says go free" during her half hour of control of Quentin's body?

Well if Quentin butchers "All of Me" like he did "Shake it Off" I'm totally fine with that! Although after the 'interpreative dance' in the middle of his niffin summoning spell maybe they'll opt to wait an episode or two before pressign the "Totally Humiliate Quentin" button again.

NiffinAlice is (so far) managing to channel all her anger and frustration at being trapped in Quentin's back tattoo into some the most glorious and viscious smack talk ever. She's a total bitch and it is hilarious.

Rumored to be an old (Filipino) prostitutes' trick to get clients to finish. Whether the 'prostate massage' actually gets men to climax I leave to people with much more adventurous sex lives or more extensive medical backgrounds than myself. But *of course* Kady gets the print she needs with a simple bar pickup trick

If Wes Anderson dropped some acid before filming, then yes.

I guess having a locked wire cage full of board games in the background of the Clockwork day room would have been a bit too on the nose… ;-)

We are clearly in The Upsidedown if Aubrey gets whacked in episode one of *any* show.

"Sad Harpo Marx" — you mean Psychopath Art Garfunkel? ;-)

Upvoted just on the strength of "Space GoFundMe" :-)

Literally just finished book 5 before I watched this episode on On Demand and when Prax dropped that question I'm like: Hello, major foreshadowing. Wondering how much of the Belter story line from Nemesis Games is gettting moved forward. It's not like there isn't plenty of protomolecule storyline to keep things busy!

The books are pretty explicit about that as well, comparing the OPA development arc to that of the IRA or Hezbollah — groups that start out as militant terror organizations (with large parts remaining that way) but also grow a more "legitimate" politcal arm and try to get a seat at the table once they have to actually

My take is not Belter mobility so much as which Earth ethnicities happened to cluster where as more and more folks emigrated "up the well." The Texas accent of Mars' Mariner Valley is the only concrete example I can point to, but if your particular corner of the Belt had an abundance of Chinese or Latin American folks

During semester abroad my best friend and I used to sit around like love-struck puppies listening to the Swedish arcitecture student talk to parents on our dormitory's pay phone. We would have done anything she asked just to hear more of that accent.

My favorite scene as well. Makes me think of turn of the century immigrants in NYC trying desperately to integrate and "become Americans" and suddenly the nice old lady at the bakery rattles off a scorching string of Italian curses. Miller's discomfort in both his birth culture (the Belt) and his quasi-adopted culture

Two very interesting poles of the Belter patois. Diogo's has a heavy undercurrent of Hispanic/Romance language accent, and Drummer's always struck me as sounding like a very Asian inflected accent on top of the Belter argot. I guess that makes some sense — hell, if Chinese and Indian emigrants to the Mariner Valley on

Seriously, that "The Cock Barrens" ISN'T an Oglaf joke pretty much beggars belief. Good job, show! And when can you buy a full rendered Filorian map in the SyFy online store!?