
I was largely OK with the Alice's parents check-in also. If only to show that they're doing as shitty a job dealing with Alice's death as they did with Charlie's. That her mom can't get past her own narcissism after losing a second talented child in alsmot exactly the same manner is frustrating and disappointing, but

Tread lightly with Mr. Teatime up there. He has no friends, but not a single enemy either. Makes ya think…
[Great Pratchett hat tip BTW, Teah-Timeh!]

But still can't get a date. ;-)

I think that's kind of the point of Holden, though. The authors even said in "About This Episode" last season that he's their Holy Fool and you kinda need a character that absurdly noble to make the gears mesh with rest of the Roci to complete this amazing machine the four crewmembers become together as they cover for

Harris smack talking Thomas Jane was one of my favorite parts of last season.
"I believe that, underneath that *ridiculous* hat, beats the heart of a Belter that yearns to help his people." (or words to that effect)
Harris' take on the Belter accent always struck me as very Afrikaner, more so than the linguistic

I seem to recall from the previous episode, where Zilpha is fondling Checkov's Hat Pin, that she was specifically addressing James. So Zilpha definitely thought it was James speaking to her subconscious and instructing her how to finish off her husband. Whether that was a manifestation of her own understandable

"This show's Viserys" — that is brilliant. Murder by 16" hat pin pales in comparison to a crown of molten gold, but still a fitting end to a f***ing monster — even if his actions and attitudes are entirely appropriate to the time period.

I loved that Delaney looked genuinely bothered by the state of his hat when he awoke face down in the Thames-side muck.

I remain bothered by the howling flaw in Winter's long term goal/fantasy. James is going to take her America. A mullato female. In 1814. When slavery is still going gang-busters in America. WTAF. Being the bastard by-blow in a skeevy dockside brothel ain't nobody's idea of a good life — but it beats being sub-human

Best "Welcome Back, Kotter" hat tip ever.

Full-time gunship engineer, part-time brothel owner. #dreamresume

One imagines that "Wuthering Heights: The Tom Hardy Edition" will be about 25% shorter than original given how much flowery and expository dialogue will replaced by simple grunts and glowering. Adding to my Amazon Wish List right now!

Plus, Thorne was betrayed by his second who was also a fellow officer. Which speaks to either size of the bag of gold the EIC put in front of his supposed best friend or emphasizes that Thorne is such an egotistical ass that he has no idea how to judge people and he didn't realize how superficial his relationship with

I think they underplayed the betrayal by Thorne's second a bit, being constrained by time. Generally, your second in a duel is someone very close to you who you'd literally trust with your life. In many cases, such as this one, it's the Second who loads the duelist's pistol. Thorne's second is also in the same

I'm going to go with they probably could have gotten it on their own, but by making a power play against Delaney for *his* new batch of black market gunpowder they're trying to to kill two birds with one stone. I doubt they'll be succesful in the end, but it's a damn good chess move, generally.

I continue to be struck by how much like Sergio Leone film parts of this series are. It is so full of grotesques and sweaty facial close-ups. And since prestige dramas set in Regency England tend to such clean and gauzy affairs set in neat drawing rooms and perfect formal gardens, this is an enjoyable if jarring play

That was a beautifully executed bit of dialogue. Full of sneering contempt for the French, bad science and about as close to direct jab at his employer's lack of knowledge about something (srsly, Delaney seems better informed that the entire British Crown AND criminal underground combined most times) as Cholomondelay

Yea, veryilly, for Paul never thought that to Him this thing would e'er happen. But the Good Samaritan's Hot Mom had not enough money for the Pizza he was even then delivered of…

Yes, there is definitely and extremely localized levitation spell going on in my blue jeans right now…

White Dinosaur-ridin' Machine Gun Jesus